[OOTOBAR, 1909.
Andamans which they request you will lay before the Governor General in Council and to acquaint him that they beg leave to recommend that they may be authorized to direct the Purveyor to furnish the necessarys required. Fort William Hospital Board Office
I have the honor to be &c. the 20 August 1794.
( Sig!) A. Campbell Seoty Indopt for nocossaries for the use of the Settlement at Port Cornwallis. Madeira Wine ...
... Twelve Dozen. Brandy ... "". . .. ... ... Three Dozen.
... Three Dozen. Vinegar ...
Four Dozen. Lime guice (sic)...
... Three Dozen. Stationary for Indents report, Wax Candles ... ... ... ... ... Twelve Seir. Sago ... ... ...
... Half Maund.
Arrack ...
( Sig! ) Bob: Reddiok Port Cornwallis
Ase! Surgeon. 20th July 1794.
(Sigo) A. Kyd
Supdt Andamans. Hospl. B 1. Office
(a true copy) the 24 [Aug.] 1794.
(Sig!) A. Campbell, Sec!y Agreed that the Hospital Board be authorized to direct the purveyor to furnish the Articles Mentioned in the above Indent and to have them sent by the Cornwallis Snow, which will return to the Andamans in a very few days.
1794. - No. XXVIII. Fort William 8th August 1794. Read a Letter from Lieutenant Wales.
L! Wales. 5th August 1794. To Edward Hay Esqr. Secretary to Government,
Sir, -Having left Mr. William Somervill at Port Cornwallis at the particular request of Major Alexander Kyd, to take Charge of the Dispatch Brig and fitt her out for Sen, until the determination of the Government became known with respect to her being employed, and understanding from you that, that determination is left to Major Kyd, I have the pleasure to inform you that he squainted me, he wished much to put her in Commission as such Vossel would be absolutely necessary to guard against any accident that might happen to either of the other two; of course he will equip her on the Sea horse's arrival there, by which means the Cornwallis under my Command will be in want of a Second Lieutenant; will you be so good as to represent this to the Board, in order that they may appoint an Officer to fill up the vacancy. Calcutta
I have the honor to be Your most Obed: Humble Servant August 5th 1794,
(Signed) Jno. Wales. Agreed that the Subject of Lieut: Wales's Application shall lie over for the present.
(To be contirued.)