UCTOBER, 1902.)
Agreed that directions be sent to the Superintendant at the Andamans to take up distinct Advances whether by Bills or Receipts on account of the Military Department the amount of which is to remain at his Personal Debit until written off by Military Charges duly Audited.
This Resolution is to be communicated to the Military Auditor General.
The Secretary informs the Board that he has received some corrected accounts for May from the Superintendant at the Andamans which he has requested may be Substituted in lieu of those Originally [?].
Ordered that they be forwarded to the Military Auditor General.
The following Letter was with the approbation of the Governor General this day forwarded to Major Kyd.
To Major Kyd. To Major Alexander Kyd Superintendant at the Andamane.
Sir, I received on the 80 Instant your letters to the Sub Secretary and myself of the 15th Ultimo, accompanied by one from the Commander in the Snow Daphne, which I am sorry to acquaint you was unfortunately wrecked near Ganjam on the Night of the 25th of last month. A Copy of Captain Smith's Letter reporting this Accident to the Vessel is enclosed for your Information.
The Governor General in Council has desired me to say that he observes with Satisfaction that the Settlement has been in general much more healthy than it was in the last Season, and he hopes that as the Timbers &c are cut down and removed you will have further reason to believe that the Sickness in that year was principally owing to the Woody State of the Country near Port Cornwallis.
The Board adverting to their Letter of the 21st of April and noticing that accidentally no mention has been made in it of your suggestion concerning the dispatched Brig I have Orders to acquaint you that if the Vessel can be made Serviceable to the Settlement, and is wanted there, and if apon Considration of the Expence of putting her into repair and fitting her out, for the Station, you should think that it would be better for the public Service to comply [convert ?] her in this manner than to dispose of her at Prince of Wales Island or any other Place, for whatever the Sale of her may produce, without putting the company to any Expence but such as may be absolutely necessary to navigate her to any of these Places you are at Liberty to adopt a Discretion and to act upon it.
I enclose a List of the Consignments made to you by the Sea horse, now returning to Port Cornwallis and a Copy of the Sailing Orders to the Commander Captain Thomas. Fort William
And am Sir Your most Obed humble Servant, July 1794
[not signed] 1794.-No. xxv. Fort William 4th August 1794. The following Letters were received from the Superintendant at the Andamans on the 2 Instant upon the Arrival of the Snow Cornwallis.
Supdt at the Andamans, 14 July 1794. To Edward Hay Esq! Secretary to Government.
Sir, - Accompanying I have the honor of transmitting you the Account Current of this Settlement for the Months of May and Jane last with the Various Vouchers therein referred to which according to the directions of the Governor General in Council of the 14th April last is kopt in Sicca Rupees.
Enclosed is a List of Bills of Exchange I have this Day Drawn on Government, for Cash rooeived here, which is carried to the Public Credit in the account Ourrent.
I have the honor to be Sir, Your most obedient humble Servant Port Cornwallis
(Signed) A. Kyd 19 July 1794.
Superintendant Andaman,