[JULY, 1902.
Upon the subject of Mr. Smith's Proposal, the Board determine that the Daphne shall be surveyed by the Master Attendant and Mr. Gullett, and their Report desired whether she be, in all respects, a proper Vessell to be freighted by the Company as Transport for 4 or 6 Months. They are also to report what they judge to be her Value,
Agreed that an Order on the Treasury be issued, in favor of Major Kyd, upon Account, and that ho be acquainted that the Board entirely approve of his keeping a seperate Account of all Expences incurred for the Convicts, as well as of his making seperate Indents on the Garrison Store keeper for Provisions to be supplied for their Use.
Fort William 20th December 1798. Read a Lotter from Messieurs Thornhill and Gillet. To Edward Hay Esqr. Secretary to the Government.
Sir, - In Obedience to the Orders of the Governor General in Council communicated to us in your Letter of the 16th Date, We have Surveyed the Snow Daphne, and find her to be in good Coudition and in all Respecte a competent Vessel to be freighted by the Company for tbe Andaman Station Her Burthen is 250 Bags and Stores 1800 in her Hold the tween (sic) Decks being 6 feet under the Beams makes her very convenient for carrying Troope.
We are of opinion that her Value is from 17 to 20 Thousand Sicca Rupees but that she would not fetch so much at the present period as there is so little Want of Shipping.
We are Sir Your most Obedient Servants Marine Office
(Signed) Cudbert Thornhill Master Attendt. the 19th Decr.
Gabl. Gillett. Agreed that the Daphne Snow be freighted for the Andaman Service for the Period of 4 Months, at the rate of 2500 Rupees per Mensem, and that Major Kyd be desired to conclude necessary Agreement, in consequence, with the Owner of the Vessel.
1794. - No. 1. Fort William grd January 1794. The following Letter from Lieutenant Wolls at Port Cornwallis, was received, on the 310 Ultimo, by the Seahorse, and Circulated for the Perusal of the Members of the Board.
M! Wolle, 14th December 1793. To Edward Hay Esqto Secretary to the Government General
Sir, - In the expectation that Major Kyd, Superintendent of the Andamans, will have left the Presidency before this can be received, I do myself the honor to address you with my Communication of this Settlement for the information of Government.
My last Letter to Major Kyd is under Date 23rd September pr the Union Snow Lieutenant Roper, which sailed from hence the following day.
I am now necessitated to dispatch the Honble Company's Brig Seahorse, without waiting an arrival from Calcutta, principally for the parpose of expediting a further Supply of some particular Articles of provision, for which I forward Indent to the Military Board. The Seahorse having in her last trip brought only half the quantities indented for, and the unexpected detention of the Cornwallis Snow, here together reduced our Store to nearly an exhausted State. I am therefore induced earnestly to request that this Vessell may be allowed to Sail again on her return, as soon as possible or we shall otherwise sensibly feel the want of these easential means of subsistence, Should an earlier Conveyance offer by any of the Eastward bound Traders, that would undertake to touch at this Port, I beg leave to suggest the expediency of embracing such an Opportunity, as the means of securing an important Convenience to the Settlement. Not knowing