(JULY, 1902
The Governor General in Council further directs me to acquaint you that he approves of small Vessel being freighted for four Months, for the Andaman Station, the Nautilus Brig having been employed on other Service; and desires you to report to him, as you propose, before you make an Agreement for the Hire. Council Chamber
I Am &ca. 14 Decr. 1793.
(Signed) E. Hay, Secry. to the Gort.
No. 2. To B. L. Perreau Esqre. Agent for Fort Marlbro'.
Sir, I have received your Letter of the 5th Instant, transmitting Copy of one written to you from Cox Island, on the 29th Ultimo, by the Commander of the Honble. Companys ship Pigot, by which and the Memorandum annexed to it, it appears that 425 Bags of Rice and 290 Bags of wheat intended for the Residency at Fort Malbro' have been returned from that Ship.
The Governor General in Council directs me to acquaint you that a small Supply of Grain being required to be sent on . Vessel going to the Andamans, be desires that you will allow Major Kyd, or any Person sent by him to inspect the Grain Abovementioned, and if the whole any part of it should be found to answer the Purpose, for which it is wanted, that you will have it delivered over to Major Kyd's order.
The Remainder or so much as may not be taken by Major Kyd, is to be resold as you propose and a Quantity, equal to that sent back from the Pigot may be purchased and dispatched to Boncoolen when a proper Opportunity Offers. Council Chamber
I am &ca. 10th December 1793.
(Signed) E. Hay Secry. to the Govt.
No. 3. To G. H. Barlow Esqre. Register to the Nizamut Adawlat.
Sir,- The Governor General in Council, having been pleased, in the Court of Nizamat, to recommend that a Number of Native Convicts should be sent to the Andamans, and a Vessel, which is to be hired by Major Kyd, the Superintendant being reported capable of accommodating Eighty of such Convicts, the Board have passed a Resolution that they should be transported on that Vessel.
You are therefore dosired to intimate this to the Adawlet, and give Orders, under their Directions, for the Convicts to be in readiness to embark obtaining from Major Kyd the necessary Information when the Vessel will be prepared to receive them. A Guard will be sent with the Men. Council Chamber
I am &ca, 14th December 1793.
(Signed) E. Hay Secry. to the Govt. The Secretary Acquaints the Board, that the Cornwallis &now being ready to proceed to Port Cornwallis, he sent the Salling Orders to Lieutenant Wales the Commander of the Vossel, desiring him generally to attend to such further Instructions as he might receive from Major Kyd, the Superintendant, at that Settlement.
1799.- No. LVI. Read a Letter from the Superintendant at the Andamans. To Edward Hay Eeqre. Secretary to Government.
Sir, I have received your letter of the 14th Instant, and will immediately sent [ 7 trent] with Mr. Copestake for the freight of his Vessel to the Andamans, and will take Measures as directed by the Board, for embarking the Convicts, as soon as possible. I imagine that the Rice prepared for Fort Marlbro' is too fino a quality, for the Convicts, but as both Rice and Wheat must be soon sent for the