JULY, 1902.)
Notes. 1. stange can means clever in strategies ;' As the Kesar Myth tells us, Kesar forgot tam tena, when; nihongar=mthongste, seeing. '•Bruguma all the same, alter having taken the 2. [aitarräm seems to be a reference to Sith, food and drink of forgetfulness. the heroine of the Ramayana, disgaised as a "fairy," under the hermaphroditio name SitaRáma, according to combination of the male and femalo names of allied deities common enough in India.-Ed.]
Song No. XXVIII. - Young Kenar. Text.
Translation. 1. la khala yaspabo
1. A flower, blooming on the pass, lagamobai mentog cig passed lei.
Oh, . pure flower is in bloom ! 2. la stod nang mthonpo kunla
2. On all the high passes yzugscanni mentog cig yassed lei.
A flower of fine shape is in bloom ! 8. darung yaspai sgang zbig yod lei
8. Thou art bat half opened, sogamo yaspai mentoggi jo.
Ob Lord [who art] like a flower of the
morning! darang yaspai sgang zhig yod lei
4. Thou art but'ball opened, kalimanni mentoggi jo
Oh Lord [who art] like a kalimān flower ! Notes.
Notes. 3 and 4 may be translated just as well. Oh This song refers to the supposed spring hero, Lord of the flower of the morning; oh Lord of who has carried spring up to the high passes. the kaliman flower,' The kaliman flower is not All the same he has not yet displayed his full of beautiful appearance, but has a very sweet glory (the flower is only half opened). ecent,
Song No. XXIX. - Kesar, the God of Lightning. Text.
Translation. 1. sarioanni la mgona
1. On the height of the Sarloan Pass nagpoi sprin cig yongaged lei.
Black clouds are gathering. 2. saricanni la mgona
2. On the height of the Sarican Pass
3u5 Or we are 888 dum dum sprin cig yongngod lai.
Torn clouds are gathering. nagpo sprinpoi dkyil dens
3. In the middle of the black clouds jo lagsmoi spamralla glog 'abarred lei.
Lightning flashes from our good Lord's
sword. nagpo sprinpoi dkyilpona
4. In the middle of the black clouds 'rgyal lham kosarri mamralla glog 'abarred Lightning flashes from the godly King lei.
Kesar's sword.
Notes. 8, 4. mamral, respectful for raigri, sword.
Notós. This song furnishes us with one of the strongest arguments to prove Kesar's nature-origin.