[JUNE, 1902.
I will also beg of you to represent to the Board that the greatest part of the live Stock sent by the Seahorse perished from the Soverity of the Weather which that Vessel experienced [in] her passage and that as the Settlement is very Much in want of fresh Provisions it will be very Necessary that the Cornwallis Snow shonld (as soon as she can be spared from the Pilot Service) be delivered again to the Charge of Lientenant Wales in order that she may be speedily fitted out and a Crew provided.
If on Considering on the answer I have given to Mr. Shakespear's letter, respecting the Nautilus Brig the Board are pleased to employ that Vessel for the Andaman Establishment, and if they do not intend to Continue the Union Brig on freight. I beg that Lieutenant Bopor May be appoi ated to the Command of her, when he May immediately proceed to fitting her out, which I will give him every Means of doing in the best Manner; and I think the alteration that May be necessary to Make on her to fit her for the Service (can be completed in little More than a Month from the time it is commenced.
I have the Honor to be Sir, Your most obedient Humble Servant Fort William
(Signed) A. Kyd Ootobor 7th 1798.
Superintendant Andamang.
Enclosed in Do. 7th October. To Major A. Kyd Saperintendent of the Settlement at the Andamans at Fort William.
Sir. - The Honble Company's Brig Seahorse arrived here on the 15th Instant with two Sirdare & Eighty Coolies, all in perfect hoalth and were immediately landed. I have the pleasure to add, that they will be in course of a day or two commodiously lodged, tho they are at present some what otherwise by car total want of Tents.; not one having been received by this Conveyance.
All the Military Stores are likewise landed, anú the two brass Guns ; but I have thonght it better on many Considerations to leave the heavy Ordnance on board, as besides the want of Means to land them untill a Raft be constructed, we are at present wholly unprovided with People to use them, or any proper place for their reception.
The Dholl and Ghee is also on shore, a considerable proportion of my last Indent No. 3 dated June 27th 1793, on the Garrison Storekeeper, etill Remains due, if admitted by the Military Board, and I hope it will be sent by the next Vessel. Our former Dholl in Stores, is very old and chiefly of the Kissarry kind, which the Bengal Natives believe to be, from its indigestible quality, only fit for use in a partioular Season, and exceedingly improper for Men under ill Health.
I beg leave to refer to your inspection the Surgeon Mr. Wood's Reports of the Hospital for the complete Months of July ad August, And to the present date with his concluding Remarks, which are enclosed, and will convey to yop. correct information of the State of the Sick.
Since my last, per the Rose the Weather has been in general less violent than about that Time Yet the Rain has been so frequent, and some times heavy since that period, as to afford few oppertunities of doing any Work without Doors, besides repairing the damages it has Occasioned to the Buildings. It has for this reason been utterly in practicable to do any thing further than what I mentioned in my former Letter, towards the general Plan of Defence for the Settlement. But as soon as the People by the Seahorse were sufficiently recovered from the common Inconveniences of their Sea passage, Namely, on the Morning of the 17th, they were all.delivered over to the Charge of Enaign Stokoe who is now industriously employed in the construction of the Works agreeably to your written Instructions to him, and shall during the progrees thereof receive every additional aid of Labourers that can possibly be given to him after providing for the other indispensible Daties of the place.