MAY, 1902.]
I beg you will acquaint the Board that finding the Allowance of Grain wbich had been established for the Settlers, was more than they could expend, I have reduced the quantity one fourth and still find that the Ration is perfectly sufficient. Port Cornwallis
I have the honor to be &ca. 31st May 1798.
(Signed) A. Kyd Andamans.
1793.- No. XXXVI.
Fort William 24th June 1793. Read a Letter from Captain Allen.
Captain Allen Dated 20th June. To Edward Hay Esqr. Secretary to Government.
Sir,- Herewith I have the honour to enclose a Bill of Freight for the Phoenix to the Anda - mans: having in order to render the Vegsel as Commodious as possible to the People, given up the intention of an Additional Voyage and having on board the Accompanying extra List of People with Major Kyds Pass, who Secreted themselves in the Vessel, with Stores as above Specified, and a very great Expence having been incurred in Consequence of the Advanced Season, and difficulty of getting out of the River, as also sending a Vessel down to Supply them with water so as to keep the Sea Stock intire until leaving the Pilot I beg leave humbly to submit to the Consideration of the Governor General in Council the said Extra bill of Eight hundred Sioca Rupees and to hope that it will not Appear an unreasonable Compensation under all the Circumstances of the Case.
I have the honor to be &ca 20th June 1793.
. (Sigoed) George Allen. Enclosed in Captain Allen's Letter Dated 20th June. List of Passengers from Port Cornwallis to Calcutta pr Phoenix Captain Moore June 1st 1793. Class.
Names. 1 Sepoy
Mehuban Sing on Furlough 1 Do.
Naggar Sing Do. 1 Do.
Hurloll Sing Discharged. 2 Boys with Do. 1 Bazarman. 1 Woman with do. 2 Coppersmiths 2 Servants
John Fife
1 Woman with do. 2 Washermen
14 Persons Total
(Signed) A. Kyd Superintendt. Andamans.