Xar, 1902.)
that you will draw on Government in the form prescribed in the Bills of Exchange sent herewith, which will diso render your Negotiations less troublesome. There are 250 Sette, each Sett consisting of two Bills
Yogu nosine, by the Union Six Boxes and six Jars, of Purveyors Stores, that were to have been sent, for the roof the Settlement at Port Cornwallia, by the Phoenix, but it was afterwards found, could not be Ooareniently taken in that Vegell.
A Number of Bilden doktor hanc hematod. on the Inow [Union) for the Andamane, acoording to the enoleged List, which is Accompanied by a Copy of a Letter from the Town Major Concerning them. They bave been provisioned for the Trip, and if the stock laid in should, owing to an anexpected length of Pune, s found inefficient, Lionts. Roper has instractions to Supply them from the Vowels own stores, A. Bayonato moderat Account is to be kept of these Supplies that it may be adjusted with the Owuor Captain Mate
Captain Bakr having trouted to the Board a Obart of the North part of the Andamane, shewtag the place of the dragorous Coral ledges lately discovered, and a Safe track to avoid them, the Governor General in Council has suthorised the publioation of it, and you will be furnished with Copies as soon as they are finished.
He has also letely wat in to the Governor General in Council & General Chart of the Andamans, & Report on the subject of it, and & Paper Containing Astronomioal Observations, you will receive . Oopy of the two latter in the present dispatch and Captain Blair has informed the Board that a copy of the General Ohart is already in your possession, Fort William
I am &o. 30th May 1798.
The Secretary reports that Lieut. Roper Commanding the Union has received his Sailing Orders to proceed to the Andamane.
1798.-No. XXIV.
Fort William Ith June 1798. Ordered that the following Letter be written to the Baperintendent at the Andamane. To Major Alexander Kyd Saperintendent at the Andamans.
Sir. - I am direoted by the Governor General in Council to transmit to you a Copy of Intelligence, which has been received this Morning from Mr. Baldwin at Alexandria, that War was deolared by France against England and Holland on the first of last February His Lordship in Council has no partcular directions to give you in the present state of Affairs confiding generally that you will take the necessary Monsures for the Proteotion of the Settlement under you Charge in as far as Circumstances and your Means admit.
I am &ca Council Chamber 11th June 1793. (Signed) E. Hay Secretary to the Govt.
Ordered that the following Instructions be sent to Lieutenant Roper By the Secretary. To Lieutenant Roper Commanding the Union Snow,
Sir. Intelligence having been received that war was declared by France against England and Holland, on the first of last February, I am directed by the Governor General in Council to desire that you will take Charge of the two accompanying Packets addressed to the Commodore, and Major Kyd at Port Cornwallis, you will of course be upon your Guard against an Enemy during your Voyage to the Andamane. Council Chamber
I am Sir, Your, &ca 11th June 1798.
(Signed) E. Hay Secretary to the Government.