AY, 1902.)
We are persuaded that the Circumstance of his having been so long employed upon Daty under this Government will not lessen his Pretensions to that encouragement and situation, under yours, to which his Rank and Services entitle him, without prejudice to Superior Claims.
Such is our Opinion founded upon experience of the Merits of Captain Blair that we cannot help recommending that, if he should wish, after taking that Tour of duty which is incedent, we understand, to his present Standing, to return to the Andamans for the purpose of directing our Marine Establishment there, he may have leave of absence from Bombay for that purpose.
It is proper to Acquaint you that we have agreed that he should continue to receive the allowances of a Surveyor until his arrival at Bombay and we request that they may be Accordingly paid to him at the rate of Son. Rs. 858 per Mengem from the end of last month to which Time they have been issued to him in Bengal. This Presidency will, of course be debited by you for the Amount. Fort William
We have the honor to be do 29th May 1798.
1798. - No. XXXII. The following Letter And its enclosure were received from the Town Major, on the 29th Instant. To Edward Hay Esq., Secretary to the Government.
Sir, — I have the honor to inform you that the Bildars and Coolies entertaining by me to SOTTO at the Andamans as mentioned in the Accompanying list will embark to day in the Union to proceed to that Island.
You will Observe by the Certificate affixed to the foot of that list that those people have received an advance of four Months pay Oommencing from the 25th instant. ibe Sirdars at the rate of 8 9. Rupees and the Coolies or Bildars at 6 S. Rapoes pmonth,
I have the honor to be &os. Fort William Town Major's Office
(Signed) A. Apolog, 29th May 1708.
To. Xr. List of Ooolios and Bildars engaged to serve [at] the Andamans.
Sirdars Rampersand
2 Callipersaud Doobrany
18 Porsand Sing Bichos
Danas Bing
Doomend Sing Fackiral
Buldy 5 Bindoo
20 Sheik Mongly Ramdual lot
Tittoo Doss Chintamond 1
Shaik Joamsun Ramkiasan
Kaunt Monik ohund
Ramtonoo 10 Banniad
25 Chintamond 24 Asmaram lut
Gangaram Remdnad 2nd
Nemy Mangaru
Dattarame Ohiddam
Aucot Rame