-MAY, 1902.]
TTATTOW and on one small Spot there is only 3 fms, at low Water Here it may be necessary to lay & Buoy at some future period when frequented by large Ships. Atalanta Bay is immediately round Dundass point, and is a good situation to Anchor during the SW monsoon, St. George Island is situated nearly in mid channel two nautic Miles from the entrance. It is of very small extent, but surrounded by a Coral reef, which leaves at low Water a Space of an irregular form equal to an area of 300 yards square. From this Island, Ships might be much annoyed in their progress up the Harbour, At the extremety of the Spit which extends one Mile west from this island there is a Spot of Coral alnuost dry at low Water on which it will be necessary to have a Buoy or Beacon.
Above St. George Island the harbour oppens to the breadth of two Nautic miles, and the depth of one and a half of excellent anchorage ; bounded on the east by Hood Point, and the east side of Minerva Bay, by the east side of Chatham Island and shore point on the West; and to the North by Minerva Bay, perseverance: point and the Continuation of the Harbour. The Ground is soft tenacious clay the depth regular decreasing from 20 fms in the entrance to 10 and 9 fms, abreast of Perseverance point Here the harbour is Contracted to the breadth of 1600 yards; by the Shoulder of Chatham island to west; and a Continuation of the land in a direction nearly North from Perseverance point to the eastward. The Harbour extends a mile north from perseverance point; sud beyond this there is a narrow and intricate channel which leads to a very secure and Convenient [North] Bason, adjoining the North west point of Pit island.
The Shoulder and north part of Ohatham Island is encompassed by a Bank with 8 fme on the outter edge, about 300 yards from the island. The Continuation of this Bank with a gentle carve and Westerly direction joins the west point and embraces Ariel Island from the north part of which, it takes a Circular direction, inclosing another Commodeous (South] Bason, north of Ariel island, and then by an easterly course terminates on the Northwest point of Wharf island Within the Margin already described there is a very extensive Mud bank, portions of which Appear at low water. It occupies a Space of about four square miles. This Flat termed in the Plan Shoal Bay is situated to westward of Pit, Chatham and Ariel Island it is of an irregular form with an extorsive branch to the northwest and several inlets to southward.
The relative situations will be better Comprehended by an examination of the Plan, by which it will appear that the two Basons are well situated to Accommodate ships under repair and capable of being strongly defended It will also be perceived that the Range of the Harbour having a Northwest direction, that the prevailing winds (northeast and Southwest) will be fair for either entering or quiting this Port.
Twelve hundred yards above Perseverance point there is a Spring of fresh Water which Afforded in the month of Febry, at the rate of 150 tons p? day, and it appeared to have suffered no sensible deminution as late as the 6th of April 1793, which is the latter part of the dry season This Spring is situated in a very convenient part of the harbour and issues out of the ground about twenty feet above high water mark, adjacent there are two Rills, and near Hood point another very productive Spring.
The land in the vicinity of the harbour abounds with timber trees of excellent quality, and fit for all the various parts of ships.
The soil and Climate promises all that can be expected from the most lappy tropical situation, 24
From Port Cornwallis to the North extremity of the great island, and round the group of islands which encircle it, several Dangers have been lately discovered which will demand attention in the Navigator to avoid.
The Table Islands bear from Ross Island N 13° E. distant seven miles, they are inverened to eastward by an extensive coral reef; and there is besides this, a ledge of rocks some of wbich just Appear they bear from the east extremity of the islands S. S. E, distant one mile & a half, and
[It has, however, always proved to be extremely unhealthy. - Ep.)