[APRIL, 1902.
Do from SWS to N NE Dist 1 Mile. An Entrance of a Riverso With a Large Barr W sw 1 Mile & This day find my Self to the Noward of Acct 7 M Course N 15 16 Et Dist 118 Miles, Longitude Made 00° 32" Et Mist 00°: 28′ Et Latte Obserd 26° 19' So.
Tuesday 20th. Pleasent Gales & fair Wear. At 5 PM being abreast of The So Point of Delagoa Bay, Bore Away Designing to go in and Stay For Our people, Who were Travelling on Foot along Shore. At Sun Sett the So Point of the Bay Bore So 3 Miles the Body of the Island St. Marys 1 SW 2 miles. The Low Land in Sight from ye Masthead on the No Side from N to NW BW Dist About 3 Leagues. After [it was] Dark Ran under an Easy Sail. Waiting for The Moon which Would be up at 10 O'Clock, Not Suspecting butt we had a Whole Night at the Rate we were going. Sounded [& found] Ground [in] 5 Fathom, Upon Which Alter Our Course, more Northerly, Which was More off the Land. Still Shoald our Water to 2: Fathom. We then Came to Anch & an Hour After The Sea Broke Very Much Close to us, therefore was [Were] Obliga to Weigh, tho we did Not know Where to Better Ourselvs, the Wind Blowing into the Bay, and The Only way we Could Make a Stretch was towards the Island, Where We Expected less Water. But it prove'd Otherwise; For we by deepning [deepen'd] our water Gradually to 6 Fathom, then Came too again. Att Sun Rise, the Point SE 3 Miles, the Island 8 W, 1 Mile. Breakers from North to NW BW. They Seem to us to be on a Spitt of Sand, & a Channell into the Bay on Each Side of it. Last Night When we Came too, it was High Water, and as the Sea Falls, it Breaks, the Sand Drying n Some places on Spring Tides. At Noon it Was Low Water, and we Found Ourselves Surrounded with Breakers. Therefore Thought [it] the Best way to go Out, the Same way we Came in; Which We did, & in going Over the Sand Where it Broke had but 10 Feet Water. When we got Over, Deepned to 6 Fathom; which We kept Along About 2 Miles Steering N W And then Came into 9 & 10 Fathom, Which Depth We had about a Mile & Soon Deepned [Shoal'd] Again to 3 & 4 Fathom for About 1 Mile. Then Came into 5 Fathom which we kept [held] About 4 Leag. Then Shoald it Gradually to 3 Fathom. Steering from West to W BS & Abont 4 o'Clock, Came to an Anchor in 9 Fathom, Where to Our Great Joy Found Riding The Rose Gally from Bombay Commanded by Cap: Edwd Chander.
Wednesday April 21 1756. The First part Fair Weather, Wind Werly, Latter fresh Gales Easterly with Rain. About 11 O Clock got under Weigh in Order to go Up Mahoys River, Where Capt Chandler was Trading, butt was prevented, Not having Water Enough Over the Barr. Therefore, Returned to Delagoa again, and Dispatch a Letter to Capt Chandler, Desireing him to Spare us What Necessaries we Wanted.
Thursday 224. Wind and Wear as Before: got Some Rice for Cloaths We are [were] Treated Very Civilly by the Commanding Officers of the Rose.
Friday 234. Light Land and Sea Breezes and fair Wear Bought Severall Fowls: Some Rice and Hony. The Natives Stole 31 Head of Cattell [Cattle] from the Rose Gally's [People].
Saturday 24th Do Wind & Bought a Great Many Fowls Some Rice and Hony. Have a Great Number of the Natives on Board with [their] there Trade.
This must be really the River St. Lucia. See Taylor, I. 87.
61 Inyack on the Admiralty Charts. St. Mary's Id. in all directions up to Taylor, 1874, who has, I. p. 87, Inyack or St. Mary's Id.
61 For Maurice River. See Taylor, I. 88.