APRIL, 1902.)
Remarks. Subjects: 1. umhlwayeli,
Integers: Wa-puma, waya, yawa, yanyatelwa, 2. (umhlwayeli),
zayidla, zayigqibe. 3. enye,
Indicators : umhlwayeli, imbewu, enye, intaka. 4. (enye),
Predicators : contained in integers). intaka zaserulwini,
Explicators : yake, kwake, zasesulwini. 6. (intaka zasesulwini).
Illustrators: ekuhlwayeleni, ngasendleleni, zati. Predicates: 1. wapuma,.
Connectors : 2. waya kuyihlwayela imbewu yake, Referent Conjunctors : 3. Ekuhlwayeleni kwake yawa nga- | Referent Substitutes : sendleleni,
Introducers : kuyihlwayela. 4. yanyatelwa, 5. zati zayidla, 6. zayigqiba.
Text. Lasa nyl mpa-mafy ha-mafy ny voa-ny: ary nong na-mafy izy, dial latsa-ka nys sasa-ny
Went the sower to-sow the seed his : and when did-sow he, then fell down the part-its tany 8-moro-n-dala-na, ka voa hitsakitsa-ka, diaa lany nyt voro-ma-nidina izy. earth at-side-of-path, so that seed trodden on, then devoured the bird-flying they..
Remarks. Subjects: 1. ny mpamafy,
Integers : 2. izy,
Indicators: mpamafy, voany, sasany, voa, voro3. ny sasany,
manidina. 4. voa,
Predicators: lasa, namafy, latsaka, hitsakitsaka, 5. ny voro-nanidina izy.
lany.. Predicates: 1. lasa hamafy ny voany,
Explicators: ny, ny, ny, ny. 2.nony namafy,
Illustrators: nony, dia, tany, amoron-dalana, dia. 3. dia latsaka tany amoron-dalana, Connectors: ary. 4. hitsakitsaka,
Referent Conjunctors : ka. 5. dia lany.
Referent Substitutes : izy,' izy.
Introducers: bamafy. 9. OLO NGADJU (OR DAYAK), BORNEO.
Text. Olo pa-nawur ba-goet, ma-nawar binjie. Djadi, haiak is ma-nawar-e, maka belahe lawo sara-n
Man sows ont-goes Sows Beed then together he gows it and part falls top-its djalan tuntang i-hundjeng, tinai burong penda langit kumantä lepah. path and was-trodden down, also bird undersky eat that completely.
Remarks. Subjects: 1. olo panawur,
Integers : 2. (ia),
Indicators : olo, binjie, belahe, djalan, burong, 3. ża, 4. belahe,
Predicators: bagoet, manawur, manawure, lawo, (belabe),
ihundjeng, kuman. 6. burong penda langit.
Explicators: panawur. Predicates : 1. hagoet,
Illustrators: djadi, baiak, saran, tinai, lepah. . 2. madawur binjie,
Connectors : maka, tuntang, penda. 3. djadi haiak manawure,
Referent Conjunctors: lawo saran djalan,
Referent Substitutes: ia, tā. 5. ihundjeng,
Introducers : 6. tinai kuman ta lepah.