Marce, 1902.]
VIII. 2.stankha, 'mouth' of the carpet, the edge provided with fringes. Politeness requires that e carpet shall be spread for each guest. In doing so, one must see to it that the mouth of the carpet is placed in front of the guests
3. marig dgurig, a very wise, a nine-fold wise man. 6. shangkug, wolf's-skin, formerly used as piece of clothing. 8. mduntho, front edge of the dress. 11. sngaro = engadro, morning. 11. 'aduag, clime, Ladakhi for 'adzegpa, to clime. 12.rargan = ragan, copper or brass. 27. Khamslogces, disgusting ; infinitive instead of participle. 27. agrumces, Ladakhi for 'to knead
83. 'adon thang, meal, for 'adonpa in the sense of eat and drink' compare Jäschke's Dictionary.
34. yogskor, or yogkhor, name of the sheepskin which is nowadays worn over the shoulders by the women. The name lower covering' suggests that it was formerly thrown around the loins. The hairless side of the yog khor is covered with red and green cloth.
86. khyodres, or khyores, thou. Both are contractions of Khyod rangngis. 38. ata, father. The word comes from Baltistan.
38. jo, ending of respect, which is employed just like ji in Hindustani. It seems to be the same stem as in jobo, lord.
IX. 2. thag, here in the signification • firmly.'
9. yxhal yas khang, according to the usage of the Ladakhi language a not only great but also very beautiful house.
12. soga, teeth ; perhaps from sokha, tooth and mouth, comp. copul, developed. 14. chams, fulfilled, come to the goal, from 'achampa.
(Continued from p. 108.) Carwar; 6. o. Anchediva, 20, i, s. 5. Beitcul, Caryota urens; 8. v. Toddy, 706, i, .. v. Cary
61, ii, twice, . v. Factory, 264, i; ann. 1678: ota, 778, ii; ann. 1777: 1. v. Caryota, 778, it. 1. v. Dungaree, 255, i ; ann. 1750-60: $. v. Cae; ann. 1504-5: «. v. Pardao, 838, i; any. Jeetul, 349, ii; ann. 1760: . v. Candy (8.), 1510 and 1609 : 8. v. Cash, 128, ii. 130, i.
Casabe; ann. 1644: 8. v. Cusbah, 219, ii. Caryophylla ; 6. o. Clove, 171, ii.
Casarca rutila ; 8. o. Brahminy Duck, 85, i. Caryophylli; ann. 540 : 8. o. Zedoary, 747, i. Casbeen; ann. 1665: 8. v. Sophy, 649, i. Caryophyllum aromaticum ; 8. v. Olove, 171, ii. Cascbes; ann. 1750-60 : 8. v. Cash, 128, ii. Caryota ; . v.778, ü, twice, s. v. Jaggery, 340, Casciscis; ann. 1603 : 8. v. Casis, 180, ii.
ü; ann. 70 : . . 73, ii; ann. 1861 : $. v. Casen-Basar; ann. 1665 : 1. v. Cossimbazar, Peepal, 324, ii.
784, ii.