MARCH, 1002]
1798.-No. XXI.
Fort William 26th April 1793.
The following Letter was written yesterday by the Secretary, in Consequence of the Boards Orders to Major Kyd, Superintendant at the Andamans,
Major Alexander Kyd Superintendant at the Andamans.
Sir,The accompany ing Letters, dated the 22nd and 27th Ultimo, were put on board His Majestys Frigate, Minerva, in expectation that the Commodore would have proceeded from Bengal to Port Cornwallis; but Circumstances having afterwards induced him to alter his Purpose, the Letters were returned to my Office.
In pursuance of the intention generally signified in my Letter or the 22nd of last Month, the Snow Phoenix, Commanded by Captain Moore, has been freighted for a Trip to Port Cornwallis to take thither, a Number of the Sepoys and Artificers, and the four hundred Bags of Rice that were left here on the departure of the Company's Vessels.
It was originally intended that the full Number of Persons with their Families, consisting altogether of 187, shoull be sent in the Phoenix, and Provisions, Water Cooking Utensils &ca Were put on board accordingly for an expenditure of 50 Days; but as it was afterwards found that they could not all be well accommodated in the Vessels and as the Town Major has discharged Sum of them, in Consequence of an intimation received from you, the Number has been limited to those mentioned in the inclosed Lists.
Whatever Surplus of the Provisions &ca laid in may remain, beyond the expenditure during the Trip, is to be delivered by the Commander of the Phoenix to your Order.
The Governor General in Council has directed me to acknowledge, by this Conveyance the receipt of your Letter dated the 4th Instant, which arrived on the 21st by the Snow Union, This Vessel, which has been freighted for a farther Period of six Months, will, on the Arrival of the Viper, now daily tide [? to be] expected, be put according to your recommendation, under the Charge of Lieutenant Roper, and returned to Port Cornwallis, and by that Opportunity the Stores &ca required by your Indents, received bere by the Union will be forwarded.
I am directed to transmit to You a Letter, dated the 4th instant which has been written to the Sub Secretary of Government by the Secretary of the Hospital Board and to Acquaint you that the Establishment of Servants proposed in it, for the Surgeon at your Settlement has been authorized, but that you are to consider yourself instructed to certify to the Monthly Charges, which is not to be allowed to any of the People, included within the Establishment, excepting those who are actually on the Spot and Serving in the different Situations.
I am &ca.
Fort William 26th April 1798,
Fort william 26th April 1793.
Ordered that the following Letter be written to Captain Allen by the Secretary and that a Copy of it be sent to Major Kyd.
To George Allen Esqre.
Sir, You have already been advised of the number of Sepoys and Artificers to embark on board the Phoenix for the Andamans,
I am directed by the Governor General in Council to desire that you will be pleased to instruct the Commander of that Vessel to pay particular attention to the Accommodation of these People, and to give such Orders to his Officers as he May think Necessary, to prevent any improper interference on the part of the Ships Company with them during the Passage. Captain Moore is farther to be instructed to deliver to the Order of Major Kyd the