(FEBRUARY, 1962.
Notes. 2. Sed = sta yod. 4.. Kluyul, the realm, 6, 6. dPalle is one of the most famous not only of the watersnakes, but of the whole heroes of the Kesar Myths. 10. Although horus lower world.
are often offered to the lhas, it is difficult to sea 5. Nang is said to stand for dang, which what the musician and singer wishes to do with in oortain CABOS may be translated by liked them ; people take this line for a joke. 7. Phodro = phodres sa phodoes, parallel to rig = cig. 10. Here the nang seems to have been added only for the sake of the inetre.
Song No. XX. - Preparations for a Dance. Text.
Translation. 1. yyogmabai nachang kun rtaesla mkhaspa 1. The girls of the lower village are clever
in dancing 2. rtaesla bzhangs 'ang nachung thsangka
2. Get up then for a dance, all you girls! 8. sgobonga bdemoi 'abog chung zhig gon
3. To improve your appearance, put on
sbawl! 4.sha mdog.bdemoi sboglo youm skus
4. To improve your complexion, smoar your
face three times with shoglo! 5. 'abog chungbo gonte Itanmola yong 5. Having pat on the shawl, come to the
dance ! 6. shoglo um bskuste Itanmola shogs 'ang. 6. Having smeared your faces, come to the
dance ! Notes.
Notes. 4. Shoglo, a berb, the yellow juice of which is smeared over the face
(To be continued.)
(Oontinued from Vol. XXX., p. 351.) Carabansara , ann. 1404 : 1. v. Caravanseray, Caracora; ann. 1606: «. v. Caracon, 122, ii. 772, ii.
Caraffe; .. v. 122, ii, s. v. Carboy, 125, i. Carabeli; ann. 1598 : . v. Carambola, 129, i. Çarafo; ann. 1560: . v. Shroff, 680, í. Carabus ; ann. 688: 4, v. Caravel, 124, ii. Carajan ; 4. v. Caréns, 773, i. Caracal ; ann. 1818: 8. v. Shoe-goose, 629, ü. Carake; ann. 1611 : . v. Langasaque, 884, i. Cracatis ; ann. 1648: s. v. Carrack, 127, i. Caramanis; ann. 1727: 1. v, Bophy, 649, i. Caracca ; ann. 1566-68: 4, v. Carrack, 127, i, Carambola; 5. v. 122, ii, ., v. Camranga, 216, twice.
ii; ann. 1568 (twice), 1598 (twice) anu Carack; ann. 1684 : •. t. Carrack, 137, ii. 1672: 4. v. 123, i. Caracos; 5. v. 122, ii, 3. v. Carrack, 127, 1, s. v. Carambolage; •. v. Carambola, 128, i.
Karkollen, 363, ii; ann. 1618: . v. Orankay, Carame; s. u. Cerame, 198, i ; ann. 1651 : 1. v. 492, i; ann. 1711: «. v. 122, ii.
Cerame, 188, i. Caracoli; aun. 1516: 1. v. Porcelain, 549, i. Caranchies; ann, 1828 : 6. v. Oranchee, 811, i. Caracolle ; .. v. Caracoa, 122, ii; ann. 1606 : Caranja; ann. 1536 : #. 0. Salsotto (m), 594, ...u. Caracoa, 122, ii.
ii; ann, 1644: «. v. Panwell, 611. i.