FEBRUARY, 1898.]
For Malacca Nunes gives us in 1554 : -
Malacca Scale. 5 kôndart are 1 kupong 4 kupong, 1 miyam 4 milyam 1 paual
4 paual 1 tael (bangkal)
.: 320 köndart. 1 bữngkal Now we have seen (ante, Vol. XXVI. p. 318) that the ancient Indian ordinary scale ran thus:
5 raktikas are 1 misha 16 mishas , 1 kârsba
4 karshas 1 pala
:. 320 raktikas , 1 pala These raktikís are double raktikás, 1. d., kóndarís in general Malay parlance and the kuponge of the Achinese scales.
The common basis of the ancient Indian and the old Malayan scales is thus even clearer than is that of the Burman and ancient Indian scales, and I do not think that I could more clearly express the inter-relation and common origin of the Indian, Further-Indian and Malayan Soalos than by presenting them, on the above facts and those gathered in the previous Sections of this Chapter, in the following form :
Scale of 920 Standard Seeds. (Adenanthera pavonina or double Abrus precatorius.)
kðndart 4 pd
5 på 2 ma 2 fuang
5 kupong 5 masha 2 mặt 2 saling
4 mayam 16 karsha ... 4 kyàt 4 bât ...
4 tahil 4 pala ...
5 b (1) .... 4 tamling ...
4 bûngkal 320 320 ggo
820 The above table shews the upper and lower denominations to be the same in all the scales, but the intermediate denominations to vary considerably. By shewing the scale in the following manner the nominal relative place of orch denomination becomes at once apparent :
Indis. ... ... raktika Barma ... ... ywêjt Siam-Cambodia ..,
1 hàng
... seeds Malay ...
konder) Burma ...
. Is it possible that pawal is a reminiscence of pala and 16m) . Read this table thus: - raktikas 5 x mashas 16 x karahas 6 = 1 pale = 320 seeds. II. e., the double raktik : ante, Vol. XXVI. p. 318. I..., the double yupé = Adenanthera pavonina seed.
See the French tablo given anto, p. 3: the hun is undoubtedly the onndaroen Adenanthera sod: bide ante, p. 5, note 38.