.... 302
AllaAni Peddana ....... .296, 297, 299, 301 Timmarasu ........... ................ 293, 297 AndhrakavitA pitamba ...................... 297 Timmarasu alias Appaji ......... Andra Bhöja *** .......................... 297 Tirumaladôvamma................................. 296 Appaji ......... ......................... 295, 297 Vijayabhapati.......................................
275 Aprayadikshita ........................... 326, 27 Vijayanagara ..............................
296 Ashta-diggajas .......................
.. 335 Viranşisinuha .............................276, 297 Atharvanicharya
Vira Praudhari ya ....................... Ayyalarizu Ramabhadra ........... 322 Vira-Rudragajapati ...................... 278 Bannera Potarja .............. 922 Telugu susperstition, a ............................... 336 Buttumûrti ................
332 Tenngu = Telugu ................................... 2H+ Chinnadevamma...........
... 296
Theinpi Shân .............................................. 11 Dêvariya ............
... 275 thép = current British coin of Burma .......... 17 Dhurjaţi.................................
299, 323 tical, pl. ticauz, 17:- of pare brass, 115, Gouka ...................................
... 328 of gold, 115, of pure silver .................... 115 Hariharanatha .........................
975 ticare ........................ ... ... ............ Hemruj ...........................................
tickal, nodern, or kyal = ancient Chinese Hoji Trimu l ...............................
300 kin............ Isvararåya .........
276 Tippera, Hill, numerals, 261; metals........... 265 Iva'araju Râmnbhadra......
293 totu, 61, 90, 91:- = 96 abrus seeds in S. Kaldpůrnodaya, the ......................... 331 India, 57:-- nowhero suggested by Hindu Kun yadinam ..........................
legislators, 61:- Akbar .......................... 170 Ketanu ................... . .. ...
297 Tombs, Musalman, pictures on....................... 140 Kokata ............
Tongking, oblong ingots of gold and silver Krishnadevamnhârâyalu
296 issued in, 14:-table of weights ............ 35 Krishnadevaraya.........................
... 276, 335 Trllinga = Telugu..............
......... 214 Krishnarnya ........................ 295, 297, 335 tuld, an Avoirdupois weight, 117; tho anMadanagari Malayya ......
299 oient, 119; name given by the PAli scholars Madayyagari Mallana.....................299, 326 of Burma in 15th cent. to the prosent Malayamaruta ...............
323 Mudras maund of 25 lbs. Av. .................. 119 Mukku Timmana.............
................... 322
322 Turkistan, table of weights ......................... 37 Mörurayara Ganda...........................
296 Nandi Mallaya.................
322 Nandi Timmana................ 296, 299, 303, 322
Uddal Varatti, drier of body, a spirit ......... 279 Pêki
328 Pillala Ramabhadrayya......................... 322 Pingali Sarana..............................299, 328 Valmiki, a popular legend about................ Prat&parudra .............................. 279, 295 Vansohouten on Siamese weights ............... Praudhakavi Mallana........................... 324Vilyatirthamahêsvara ................................. 249 Råmaksisbna .............................
................. 324 Vijayanagara grants to templos ................... Ramarajabhashana.....................297, 299, 332 Vimana Badakal, spirit of the skies Râinraj ...............
300 Vimana Sundaran, siren of the skies ......... Sadasivardys .....................................
300 Viss, the isolated Burmese denomination, SAļuva Nrisimbaraja........................... 275 91:-in inscription on bell at Kyankbånlun SAluva Tinma...........
276 pagoda at Maulmain ............................ 114 Sárangu Timmakayi....... 328 Vitál, the arclifiend
****....... 239 Sindhá chala ................................ .......
296 Somanatha ................................ ...... 335 Brinátha..................... ............... 297, 303
Walmik or Valmiki .................................. 112 Sürana ................ ........................ weights, Burmese standard, 141 fr. :-Hinta Tatachiyya......................... ........326, 327 weights, 141 :- stampod standard, in form Tenali Rama
of various animale ............ ............... 142 Tenali Ramakrishna ...................299, 324 weights, Chinese, 29 ff. ; ancient, 29, 48; comTenali Ramalinga ............................. 324 pared with Burmese ; decimal scale of mu, Tikkana............................................ 330 30; Annum, table of, 35; Archipelago, table Tikkanasomayaji .............................. of, 36; Java, 36; Cochin-Chin, tablo ot, Timmzura ju ...........
-76, 35 ; commercial, table of, in 1395-7, 11;