OCTOBER, 1898.]
mankind and the defence and strengthening of the fortress she placed in the powerful grasp of that faithful khán; ordering him to exercise due vigilance and caution. To Mujahid-ud-Din Shamshir Khân she entrusted the protection of the helpless people and vassals outside the fortress, and the fighting the enemies of the State. A number of brave men and well-wishers of tle State, such as Mir Muhammad Zamân, and all the warlike ones she ordered to co-operate with him.
The next day was Tuesday, the 24th Rabi II. (17th December, 1595). The Khân-Khânân with a number of the officers of his army set about the protection of the city and Durhängbad, 7 and conciliating and looking after the affairs of the inhabitants and Yassals, who are a sacred trust from the Creator of mankind; and issued a proclamation of security of property and life. A number of the helpless and poor, who through want of ability to migrate, had remained in their dwellings, trusting in the good news of the promise of security, took refuge in the neighbourhood of the fortress and all the fortified villages.
On this day Mir Muhammad Zaman being appointed to summon Jalál-ud-Din Haidar, brought to the foot of the throne that sayyid of high origin, with his glorious sons; in like manner Rukn-usSultanat Alçal Khan being appointed to summon the ambassadors of the kings of the Dakhan, and they brought these two pillars of religion and the State to the foot of the throne.
On this same day a battle took place between the forces of Mujahid-ud-Din Shamshir Khan and a body of the Mughals, who with the foot of daring were traversing the open space of the Kala Chautarah plain. Mir Muhammad Zamân, showing valour and manliness worthy of a sayyid, charged the Warriors of the Mughal army and broke their ranks. Since in the beginning of the fight the flag of victory of the nobles was exalted, the people of the fortress undoubtedly gained strength and became hopeful of victory. At first they had been terrified, but afterwards they fought heroically.
At the close of the same day 17th December 7 the army of Shah Murad, with the great amirs and khans, such as Mirza Shah Rukh, Wall of Badakhshận ; Shahbaz Khan ; Sadik Muhammad Khân ; Sayyid Murtaça and all the amirs and leaders of the army, with an immense and formidable force, arrived in the neighbourhood of the city. The dust of their force blackened the mirror of the heavens, and the clang of their drums and trampets made an earthquake in the earth and a tumult in the sky. They encamped in the vicinity of the old kárís, which is called the Bagh-i-Lihisht [Garden of Paradise] From the thronging of the many forces the area of that spacious ground appeared narrower than a seal-ring or the eye of a needle.
Acoount of the pillaging and plundering of the city and country, which caused disgust in the minds of high and low, and was one of
the causes of the failure to take the fortress. This was one of the causes of the failure to conquer this paradise-like country; and until the news of this injustice and iniquity reached Prince Shah Murad and the Khân-Khanan, and they pro ceeded to put a stop to this tyranny and oppression, and punished a number as a warning to the others, no one in the city and its environs had any goods or houses left. Moreover, the foundations of buildings had been destroyed, so that no one could distinguish his own house from that of a stranger. But since it appeared as if the divine intention was to prohibit the conquest and the plans of the amirs of Akbar Shah's army, that which occurred tended to undermine their power and dignity and supremacy, while it tended to increase the greenness and freshness of the young plant of the hopes of the fathers of the State. In truth, this was the first rupture which reached the foundations of the enemies' good fortune.
TA town about throe miles north-east of Ahmednagar fort, founded by Barhan Niyam.Shih IL.
• Another writer - Mira Rafi'.ud-Din Shirhat gives the names of the principal amfre accompanying Prince Morld as follow :-"Khan-Khanan, Shabbs Kamba, Mirrâ Rustam grandson of Bahrim Mirza, the brother of She Tab maap, Muhammad Sadik Khan, MirxA 'All Akbar Pédahal and Shir Khwajah, with two hundred other great awfra.
• Or Bagh-i Hasht Bibisht, abont four miles to the north-west of the fort. For description, nee Bombay Gazetteer, Vol. XVII. p. 704.