(JULY, 1898.
self to be such and sach; with tis.dj na-keñh, to consider as nothing, to despise ; aor. 3 sg. (impersonal usj saj timav zôn, by them ; oss} zonuk,
by them; -,; zónut, by thee. (47) uses tifhærávun (from *' x'j zyk!, long), to extend ; aor. 3 sg. m. , ***
harov. (48) Maj zeun, to be born, arise ; aor. 3 sg. m. glj záv. (49) wij zệnun, to win ; aor. 8 pl. fem. din; zēne, by him. (50) walitoa sapanun, to be, happen ; with Job qabill, to be accepted ; with wise
kháráb, to be ruined ; with zgú dûr, to go to a distance ; with gojam', to assemble together ; with sily's rawáng, to set ont; with Jals dákhil, to enter ;“ nor. 8 sg. m. ut sapon : 3 sg. f. cum o sapqñi (cu un sapąí) ; 3 pl. m. ut om sapani.
. (51) won samun, to meet, assemble ; aor. 3 sg. m. + suff. l, alam samuk (to
them); plup. II., 3 pl. m. commé samyêu ; 3 pl. f. de ce samy@ya. (52) w ins sambálun; to repair, add on ; aor. 3 pl. f. um lain sambájek, by them. (53) wisó sorun, to send, send away, dismiss ; aor. 3 sg. m. jg sila : 3 86. f. joo
súz; 3 pl. m. wigu süsin, by him ; igogai pas tami, timav súzi, by him, by
them; jg susik, by them ; 3 pl. 4. O'íyá sózak, by them. (54) wikik shonjun, to sleep ; aor. 3 pl. m. Chia shongi ; 3 pl. f, data shonje. (55) wäga jó formádun, to order ; to say (applied respectfully, of a great person
speaking) ; aor. 3 sg. (impersonal) szobá pó tami formid, by him; wigo wa
formidun, by him; go formadwa, by him, you. (56) Is kadun, to drag ont, tear ont, cast out (with wins tshunun), send forth ;
with alzó múla, to root out (funditus evertere); aor. S sg. m. pí tạmi kod,
by him; ustas koduk, by them : 3 pl. m. ts del asi kadi, by ns. (57) comis kanın, to sell ; aor. 3 sg. m. uís konun, by him.
" Sapax is used for forming intransitive and reflexive compound verbs, just as karun is used for transitives.
* LOW romuk would be the correct form if it existed: but the verb is a non-listed intransitive one, and the form used is gydow samyte.) .