July, 1898.)
(23) og phutun, to burst, to be rent ; aor. 3 sg. m. bé phuộ. (24) Osiya phutarávun (causal of water in phularun, to break, tr.); 3 pl. f.
wy'y phuţaráven, by him.
(25) Wyphérun (urt pherun), to turn oneself ; to turn back; to wander; with
w kun (governing dative), to turn towards someone ; with buth, to turn away from someone (dat.); with put, to return; ( shuhrat, to be spread abroad (dat.) ) ; aor. 3 sg. f. phir, phir.
(26) Ugi tarun, to go across, to cross; with lapor ( yapar), to go across, to
pass over ; (, navi kyat, in a ship). wg li trávun, to leave, discard ; send forth; let go ; make over ; with w; bon,
to let down; with a nebar, to thrust out ; with sy rúd, to cause to rain, to send rain ; with my wat, to make room ; aor. 1 sg. m. di contigi dan too trôuthao bo, by theo ; 3 sg. m. ui pas tąmi trów, by him ; se si duí asi trov, by as; wengi trīdun, by him ; uy, sú tròvuls, by them ; des trówn, by
you : 3 sg. f. wj tu trôvan, by her ; 3 pl. m.0, Ty trồvik, by them. (28) wli tulun, to lift op, bear; with of thod, to raise (the eyes); aor. 3 sg. m.
Justo me tul, by me: 3 sg. f. ek pal tami tuj, by him ; elp tująk, by them : 3 pl. masc. o'gli tuliwa, by you ; ou tulik, by them : 3 pl. f. dana pítami tuje,
by him ; v tujewo, by you ; elu tujek, by them. (20) wsa thavun, to set, to pat, to place; to possess, to havo ; with ulj nád
(voice), to call, name (dative of person) ; with wus w_tal "dubrit (dubrun, to hide), to conceal under something ; aor. 3 sg. m. wyti thapun," U3+3 thovun, by him ; « skovuk, by them ; 3 sg. f. pusi thạcam, by me : wgti thavan, by her or him ; Jei pai tami thav, by bim: 3 pl. m. ou par
tami thạot, by him ; 3 pl. f. Egér thavet, by theo. (30) wyhai thárun, to be terrified (hurried] ; plup. II., 3.8g. m. eséj 4 tháryov. (31) Wyat shaharun, to be standing, to abate (of wind); plap. II., 3 sg. m.
ghaharyov +- 3 sg. f. du veti ghahary@ya.
[From wigol we should expect noriat mase. to be always maeculipe form with a instead of o is certainly wrong.)
thou, and never gethav. The singular