South-Indian Ms.
Dev anagari Edition (Bombay). सन्दर्शनस कृष्णस्य संवारश्चापि सत्यया । 192a संवादश्च सरस्वत्यास्ताय॑र्षेः सुमहात्मनः । श्रीहिद्रोणकमास्थानमैन्द्रयुमन्तथैव च ।
द्रौणि मत्रैव बहुविस्तरं सावित्र्योहालकी च वैन्योपाख्यानमेव च । 20la साविम्याचाप्युपास्थानमव परिकीर्तितं । रामायणमुपाख्यानमय बहुविस्तरं ।
200a पुनरागमनश्चैव तेषानतवनेसरः।
195a पुनईतवनं चैव पाण्डवाः समुपागताः। Deest.
196a हिबमाणस्तु मन्दात्मा मोक्षितोऽसौ किरीटिना। 1966 धर्मराजस्व चाचैव मृगस्वमनिदर्शनात् । 1974 काम्बके काननश्रेष्ठे पुनर्गमनमुध्यते । 1984 दुर्वाससोऽप्युपास्यानमव परिकीर्तितं । 1996 के चैन पस्चशिखं यत्र भीमो महाबलः। 2006 वत्र रामेण विक्रम्य निहतो रावणो बुधि । 2016 कर्णस्य परिमोक्षोऽष कुण्डलाभ्यां पुरन्दरात् ।
2028 यत्रास्य शक्ति सुष्टोऽसावंसदेकवधाय च । भारणेयकमाख्यानं यत्र धम्मोवदरसुतं । 2028
न्यशामुतं जग्मुग्धवरा यत्र पाण्डवा28 पश्चिमान्दिशं ।। एतारण्यकं पर्व वितीबंध परिकीर्तितं । 2036 भवाड्यावशते देतु संस्थाने परमर्षिणा। 2040
संख्यया परिकीर्तिते. एकोनसप्ततिचैव सथाजुपायः प्रकीर्तिताः ।। 2045 एकादशसहस्रानिोकानां परशतानि च। 205a चतुष्पष्टिस्तथा श्लोकाः पर्वण्यस्मिन् प्रकीर्तिताः। 2056
It will be seen that in the Parvasem grahe the Grantha MS. has a number of omissions But no great importance can be attached to these, as some of them, e. g. the omission of the Arjundbhigama (III, 12-37), of the Nalopákhyana, of the Savitri and Ráma Upákhyánas, and of the Karna and Salya Partans, are clearly accidental, and merely the fault of the scribe. The number of Parvans according to the Parvasangraha in the Devanagart editions is 122, while our MS. gives only 96. Brockhaus has tried in vain to make out that the list really contains only 100 Parvans conforming to the name Sata-parvasangraha. But this is really of no importance whatever. It matters little whether Mátaliya (62) and Galavacharita (63) are counted as separate Parvans, as in the Parvasaragraha, or as parts of the Bhagavadyána (61), as in the printed editions. It is, however, of importance to find, c. g., an Aindradyumna (45) which is not in the editions, or to see that the Parvasasigraha mentions the Patiur atamáhátmya (48) before the Rúmopåkhyana (49), while in the editions the R&mopákhyána comes first. It is on account of such discrepancies between the Parvasarngraha and the actual state of things that I give below, in parallel columns, (a) the List of Parvans according to the Nagari editions, (b) the List of Parvans according to the Grantha MS. I have marked with asterisks the Paroans which are omitted in the List of the Grantha MS.
List of Parvans according to the Parvasamh graha. (a) in the Northern Recension.
(6) in the Grantha MS. 1. Anukramanikt.
1. Sarvinukramana. 2. Parvasamgraba.
2. Parvasamgraha. 3. Paushya.
3. Paushya. 4. Pauloma.
4 Pauloma. 5. Astika.
5. Astika.
# Read at: Read तृतीयं.
Read °याः ** Zeitschrift der Deutscher Morgenländ. Gesellschaft, Vol. VI. pp. 528-532.