[MARCE, 1898.
Tôji battynd!. Nikuļu dâne panpary andydy Dêwanngikery Tana wokkeluny kenderu. Wokkely pangery ire appaņe miraya. Îregy yechinda nüchenû yeukulegy andydy. Dowunayikerla wokkelyla Gummaly Durgada mada kattiyery. Auļu kodi yêryndy. Ayana andy. Aula pudary leppâyery, Bhata Magrandayo andudų Nadladu kodi yêrîdî bandi Adų nêma ayi magrana. Kila Magrandaya Banţe altı pidadiye. Kadre Manjunatha dewere staloku batte. Aro bhétimalte. Are appare indy. Yeyyâdidy Jirandâya sana unda, adegy pôla and dy Yeyyadigy pôge. Jarandayany andų maltonde. Jarandaga såna horatudy bête sinoñji kattânwonde. Järandûyn nümoduda bokka ayagyla nêma indy. Altų lakkiye Mangalûru pênțedi. Kalama dówereny tûyo. Aro bhoți maltoņde. Achirileny nály úru andydų panypunda. Akalenu andı maltonde. Akalamma dəwere dêwastinada bakilydy - Nêma gettonde Auchenê a néma ini muttalê nadatydy barpuļu.
Translation. A mother had four children at Panjapadi, whose names were Kimaraya Battalle,26 Rangapparaya Battallo, Ujjappuraya Battalle, and fourth Nandappuraya Battalle. They lived in a bílu. In the second year quarrels arose between the elder and the youngest brothers.
The youngest brother said to the elder: "We cannot live in one house ; we cannot take rice boiled in one pot. We cannot drink water from the same well: so I go to a foreign country."
The youngest brother mounted a white horse at midnight, and made one servant hold a white umbrella, and another hold torches; and thus he left Paõjapadi. He crossed the river Mayi and passed over a plain at Addl. He came to Magernad. He then passed by a sandbank at Panimuger, and by a place called Aidâlepatta at Ambadadi; by a Banian-tree at the village of Erya; by a place called Pilipáñjara; by the places called Kalmajel and Kalkür; und by the lambala at the village of Nungra.
Wheu he came to the temple of the god at Periyodi, four Bråbmans of Periyodi and a thousand men of Kudigrama were gathered together at the temple. They saw him and gare him tonder cocoanuts. The Battallaya took the tender cocoanuts brought by them, and the inhabitants of Periyoili and of Kudigráma Mágne asked him to settle quarrels among them about their caste.
"I must go to Mangalur, but will return back again, and settle your quarrels," said the Battalle.
He passed by a temple at Periyodi; by the villages of Tumbê and Uļaûr, and by a place called Kilaļibannikulu. He passed by the temple of Varadés vará, and the Magne of
26 (That is, apparently, Bhata. -ED.)