FEBRUARY, 1896.)
ESSAYS ON KASMIRI GRAMMAR BY THE LATE KARL FRIEDRICH BURKHARD. Translated and edited, toith notes and additions, by Geo. A. Grierson, Ph.D., O.I.E.,
(Continued from p. 9.)
THE AUXILIARY VERBS. 56. (1) The Defootive Vorb dan chha, 'to be. Affirmative.
Negative. no chhus, I am, and so on. amit elhus 'ng, I am not, an
et chhas
chhao me چه
else chaude
ses chhuk na olar chhak
No chhak na og athuna
sin chheng de chhi
auss ohhina do chhe
asa chheng S chhiva
as sy ma chhiva na "It is a chheva
af og se ohhova na * ckki
afg chhine des chhe
som chheng Interrogative.
Negative-Interrogative. chhusd, am I? and so on. limit chhumná, am I not ? and so on. chhasa
Link chhasna m. Kaa chhuka
U slut chhuk ná . Káz chhaké
Wolós chhak na olm. i chhua
List chhund Pt. 4 chhea
live chhená
* (From this point, the proof-shnots have been most kindly revised by the Rev. J. Hinton-Knowles, whose authority on the subjeot of KAamirt is unquestioned. The responsibility for all mistakes is, however, still the translator's.)
*** [In the 3rd sing. fem., and throughout the fem. pl., the author writes 4 chha, not a chhe. The latter is, however, correct, and is the form wed by the author himself later on. The translator hus socordingly made the BOBATY correction wherever +chha occurs. In MSS. a and = i ore are continually confused.]