NOVEMBER, 1896.]
of the Company's orders to the restraint laid 1879.-"[ 8. v. sih, three] si-bandi (1) upon him by the rabble of Sebundies and others quarterly payment - kaho unke huis ki sehbandi that had gathered round him.” - Carmichael, bat gaf; (2) a tribute, a contingent ; (3) a militia Vizagapatam, p. 47.
soldier employed in collecting rerenuo or in 1869. - "An attack in open day was made on
police duties, etc.; (4) charges in the revenue the party of Sibbandis posted at Boorjah."
accounts for the maintenance of such troops. Carmichael, Vizagapatam, p. 233.
Bibandi nghand, to levy or collect quarterly
payments."- Fallon, New Hindustani Dict. 1869. "The Sibbundies under Captain
1880.-" The police) establishment consisted Owen, assisted by some of the Sirdars in the hills, promptly put it (insurrection in 1857-8) down." -
[in 1877] of.... an Arab militia, Carmichael, Vizagapatan, p. 237.
sibandi, 500 strong." - Bombay Gazetteer, Vol.
0., Cutch, p. 183. 1869. - "The Sibbandi Corps which replaced
1883.-"(Before 1860] offences committed at the detachments of the regular Army was incorporated with the constabulary, and a considerable
night were under the cognizance of the killeder,
whose sibandis were in charge of the city at number of the old police establishment joined the new force [in 1881).” - Carmichael,
night .... (Up to 1870) the kille sibardi
was amalgamated with the fauzdari sepoys and a Vizagapatam, p. 257.
police battalion was formed .... [After 1809. - "Comparative Glossary of the Wild
1876) The difference between the past and the Tribes of the District . . English,
present is this, that up till now there was no grantor .... Highland Khond,
clear line of demarcation between the army and sibondi | Saura, sdvukért (soucar')." -
the police. The tainati sibandi was essentinlly Carmichael, Vizagapatam, p. 363.
a military and an offence against the public c. 1875. -"Sebundi see Sibundi.... peace was in no vague sense treated as an act Sibandi, Hill, militin, police." - Bombay Places ! of rebellion against the Sovereign." - Bombay and Common Official Words, p. 65.
Gazetteer, Vol. vii., Baroda, pp. 466-8. 1876. - "Sibbandi, an establishment." 1884. -["8. ., sih] Si-bandı, a three monthly Rice, Mysore and Coorg, Vol. i., Appendix ii., or quarterly pnyment. Sibandi ughúnci, to levy Glossary, p. 25.
or collect three-monthly payments." -- Plalta 1878. - "A Sibbundi or Revenue Corps, 800 Urdu Dict. strong, was ordered to be raised at once [in 1885. -"Sibandi. Irregular soldiery, a sort 1795-8]."- Morris, Godavery District, p. 265. of militia or imperfectly disciplined troops main
1878. -"[In 1857] the campaign was conti- tained for the garrisons of forts and guards in nued by a Sibbandi or Revenue Corps." -
towns and villages and for the collection of Morris, Godavery District, p. 301. .
revenue." - Whitworth, Anglo-Indian Dict., 8. v. 1878. -"The Sibbandi Corps which was raised 1888. -"In 1844-45] Independent of the at the time of Subareddi's disturbance was rural police each peta or sub-division was furnished reduced in and amalgamated with the Police (in with a body of shibandi.... They were 1861-62)." - Morris, Godavery District, p. 309. armed with swords and shields and generally
1878. "In 1775) the Police of the Trivandi. stationed at hond-quarters of each sub-division." - puram farm consisted of a Poligar and four Bombay Gazetteer, Vol.azio., Kolhapur, p. 274. watchers.... but he had in addition to 1 c. 1888. - "Captain Gilmore of the (Bengal) provide a force of Sibbandi peons in time of Engineers was appointed to open the settlement war for the protection of the farm."- Garstin, of Darjeeling and to raise two companies of South Arcot, p. 226.
Sebundy Sappers in order to provide the neces. 1879. - "When (1853) His Highness Sindia
sary labour ... Gilmore got sick ; and in handed over the Panch Mahals to British manage.
1838 I was suddenly ordered from the extreme ment, the greatest disorder prevailed. For years
border of Bengal - Nyacollee - to relieve him the district had been in the hands of revenne
.... The Sebundios were a local corps contractors, who so long as they paid the amount
designed to furnish a body of labourers fit for they had bid, were allowed to manage the district
mountain-work. They were armed and expected as they chose. Under them was a military force,
to fight if necessary." - Letter from Lord Napier Bibandi, distributed through the district in out.
of Magdala, in Yule, Hobson-Jobson, p. 609. posts, thånds: - Bombay Gazetteer, Vol.iii., Panch 1888. -"Sobundy from the Pers. sihbandi, Mahalo, p. 261.
(sih, three). The rationale of the word is obscure