OCTOBER, 1896.]
Balu Sénava had three daughters called Vopotti, Kinnante, and Saraswati. He set them to watch the cucambers, and once, during their daily counting, one cucumber was not to be found.
“What is the cause of my not finding the cucumber?” asked he of his daughter Vopotti.
"I do not know," said she. He asked Saraswati. "I do not know," said she. And he asked Kinnantê. “I do not know," said she.
“Don't you know, any of you ?” asked he. "If none of you know, let it be discovered by the Great Vodilataya," said he.
Next day Vodilatâya killed Kinnantê and Vopotti, and then Saraswati grieved very much.
"Even if the cucumber was stolen, do not kill this daughtor also: she is as a medicine for the whole family. I shall do as I have promised," prayed BAlu Sénava.
He built a sánam like a palace. He sprinkled about a thousand sêrs of rice-flour. He planted a plantain-tree to the south of the sanam. He gave food to a thousand people. He planted an areca-tree to the north, and he performed a feast with a thousand torches of the areca-tree; he killed sheep and put them in a pan; he cut open tender cocoanuts, killed fowls and heaped them ap; he made a round frame as broad as the world, and another as high as the sky. Thus did he perform the feast for the Bhúta. This was the feast performed for the Bhúta at Ida kaje Margal.
"O BhQta, protect the men and the women of the world! Accept your festival and stay in this world!" prayed Bala Sênava. Judge between the false and the true with justice. Take only a vow from the poor and a festival from the rich, from the southern to the northern countries."
(To be continued.)
(Concluded from p. 21.)
Oanto XIII. 440 With haste the Lord of Vaikuņķh started ap, crying, “Where is my eagle, where is my
eagle P" And said Chaturbhujas to his wife, " Come Chatara 28 the wicked Någars have discovered
my plans.27 Be quick; fill up his basket: Narsinh, the Nagar, is my worshipper. The mob is very obstinate and there is no help (for us) but to go, so you go first with all
the necessary articles. 445 Go and adorn her persons with goodly ornaments: for her hands, golden bracelets and
faultless gems. Do not forget to take with you all the requisites (for a môsálun) in kind and in cash, for
my servant is very importanate. Take a good many clothes made by clever hands, each more valuable than the other;
56 The four-handed.
26 I. e., clever one, used here for alliteration. * It is not clear what the god exactly moans by saying Team and Teu wrot, but this is the literal translation.
» It may be your person" just as well as her person," but the meaning is the adornment of Kusvarbat.