OCTOBER, 1896.]
Thus was a gudi built for the Bhůta on the right side of the god, and there he stayed and got a sacrifice and a feast.
He took vows before the god, and said he would go to otber temples and villages. He came to a temple at Kopadi.
He made the god's elephant sick, and would not let the god's image be mounted upon the elephant to go in procession. When all the villagers were called together and made an inquiry, a certain man became possessed.
"I was called Kala Bhairava in Tirupati, and Annappa at Dharmasthala. I stood on the right side of the god, and made the people give me vows first. I want to have the same rights in this place also," said he.
Then the villagers built a gudi on the right side of the god and a feast and a sacrifice were performed, and he was called Panjurli. Then he came to the bidu at Kalle, and made a cow and a calf sick. When this was referred to in the praina-book, it was found to be the work of this Bhůta, and that a sacrifice and a feast were to be performed to avert the evil. The people made offerings to him, and the sickness was cured
There were Ait Ullaya, Chikkaraya Ullaye, Banaraya Ullaye, and they had two sisters, Padupala and Jakama Deyar. Their husband's name was Hebbiri Ballal, who presented the younger wife with a jewel for her neck, and a quarrel arose between the women. Then the elder made an oath :-"O Pañjurli, if you will kill my sister, I will build for you a gunda, and present you an image of a pig made of bell-metal and of silver too. I will perform a feast with one hundred and twenty cocoanut leaves, and with tender cocoanuts, and with one hundred and twenty cocks." Next day Pañjurli made the younger wife sick; he broke her legs and hands, and was about to cause her death, when an outcry of men and women arose. The younger called to the elder sister: "Will you see me die P"
"I asked you, O Pañjurli, to kill her when I was angry. You made her sick, but I do not want you to kill her. Release her thiş once, and let her live. Do not kill her," prayod the elder sister.
Then her brother Ait Ballal became possessed.
“ You prayed one way before, and now you pray another way. I will kill you both," said the Bhůta, and he killed the two women in one night. They were burnt together in a large paddy field called Janananda Bakyâr. The funeral ceremony was performed, and then Hobbiri Balla! came and said : “Although you quarrelled and are dead, you two women, the feast which was promised must be performed."
So he built a gunda, made a car, and performed a feast with one hundred and twenty cocoanut leaves, one hundred and twenty tender cocoanuts and with one hundred and twenty seers of rice flour. Then the Bhůta was call Panjurli of Kalya.
He left that place, went to Chembukal, and reached the temple of Vinayaka, when the feast was about to be finished. A man became possessed of the Bhúta and said that he wanted a feast and sacrifice.
"If you are a Bhůta, you must give a proof," said the villagers. “It will suffice if you inquire of Mahankali,” said he.
When they asked Mahankaļi, she said that he had been to many places, had given many many proofs, had stood at the right side of the god, and had got feasts." So have I heard. Therefore, it is not necessary to shew a sign here as well," said she.
"If you will make this place a celebrated one, we will build you a sánam on the right side of the god, and perform a feast and sacrifice," said the people. He made this place known to the four countries, and got many vows.