the same spirit into different people, are illustrated by the Hindu mystic or magic Ajapa Gayatri. The virtao of this charm is that its repetition secures thnt the saluter shall be possessed by the Paramahansa or Supreme Sonl. To bring into his body the Supreme Soul the saluter should repeat the word hansa, while he presses his heart with his right fingers : he should repeat the word hansi, while he squeezes his skull with lis right fingers: he should repeat the word haist, while he touches his top-knot with his right hand: he should repeat the word house, while his crossed hands are spread on his shoulders : he should repent the word hanso, while his right fingers close his eyes : he should repeat the word kansaha, while le strikes the right fore and middle fingers on the left palm. A snap of his finger, a wave of his hand round his head and the salater's possession by the Supreme Soul is complete,
(To be continued.)
| Political Surury of the Northern Circars, in I Have lately hnd reason to dive into the word Mackenzie, Kistna District, 1883, p. 67. sobundy, and give here a list of the quotations 1790. -"The enemy's (Maratha) force consist: regarding it which I have come across. It would
ed of ... Rajopoot Sybundees with eight appear that the word is really of South Indian
pieces of cannon." - Extract of a letter from usage, as it is not to be found in Elliot's Memoirs
Major de Boigne, dated Camp at Patan, June by Beames, Carnegy's Kachakri Technicalities,
24th, 1790, in Seton-Karr, Selections, Vol. iii., Crooke's Rural Glossary, Grierson's Bihar
p. 269. Peasant Life, and similar works relating to Northern India.-R. C. TEMPLE.
1790. -" Calcourchy, which place fell to the
enemy on the 17th instant, after the Amuldar, c. 1778. "At Dacca I made aoquaintance
with a few sibundies, making some resistance with my venerable friend Jolin Cowe.... against a detachment from Cumaruddeen's I found him in 'coinmand of a regiment of (Tippoo's Lieutenant) camp with two guns." - Sebundeos or native militia." - Hon. R. Lindsay
Extract of a letter from Tiagar, 19th December in Lives of the Lindsays, Vol. iii., p. 161, in Yule,
1790, in Seton-Karr, Selections, p. 283. Hobson-Jobson, 8. v.
1796. "The Collector at Midnapoor having was - 2.588 Sibbandy and Pike (pdik] reported the gebundy Corps attached to that peong for the forts and hilly countries." - Report Collectorship Sufficiently Trained in the Exercise, of the Circuit Committee, in Carmichael'. Viza
the Regular Sepoys who have been Employed on gupatam, p. 209.
that Duty are to be withdrawn." - G. O. 23 Feb. 1785.-" The Board were pleased to direct that in Supplt. to Code of Bengal Military Regulations, in order to supply the place of the Sebundy Corps, 1799, p. 145, in Yule, Hobson-Jobson. four regiments of Sepoys be employed in the 1 1803. - "The employment of their people necessary collection of revenue." -In Seton- therefore... As sobundy is a vantageous Karr, Selections, Vol. 1., p. 92, in Yule, Hobson. .... it lessens the number of idle and Jobson, s. u.
discontented at a time of general invasion and 1785.-"Ono considerable charge upon the
confusion." - Wellington, Despaches, eil. 1837, Nabob's country was for extraordinary Sib
Vol. i., p. 170, in Yule, Hobson-Jobson, s. v. bendios, sepoys and horsemen, who appear to us 1803. "Ali Behandar [Nawab of Banda) thie to be an unnecessary encumbrance upon the Mahratta Chief who is in possession of the open revenues." - Appendix to Speech on Nabob of country as likewise of the strongholds in BoonArcot's Debts in Burke's Works, Vol. iv., p. 18, ed. declcund has four battalions .. .. The 1852, in Yule, Hobson-Jobson, 6. v.
battalions, each about 500 strong, are withont disc. 1786.-" The zamindars were borad [in
cipline or military regulation of any kind and may 1751-9) to .... keep on foot u Sibbundy
be considered as it rabble. The infantry consists corps of 12,000 infantry which, over and above the
of Robillas, Boondeelahs and Malwa Sebundys ordinary services of preserving the three yearly
who aare rmed with match-locks." -- Truncklin, crops or enforcing the equal division between
George Thomas, p. 268 f. Government and the tenants, were liable to be 1804. - "The Kot Raja has in his service a called on to repel any invading foe." - Grant's force of 2,000 seebundees (or irregular infin.