BY PROF. F. KIELHORN, C. I. E.; GÖTTINGEN. THE dates of some inscriptions record that on the day of the date Jupiter was in a certain
1 sign of the zodiac. Thus the Bhatka! plates of the time of Harihara II. of Vijayanagara! are dated in the Kshaya sarvatsara which corresponded to the "Saka year 1309, when Jupiter was in the sign) Simha, on Thursday, the fifth tithi of the dark half of Pausha;' and this practice of quoting the sigu in which Jupiter was at a particular time is especially common in dates of the Kollam era. In order to verify dates, we therefore occasionally must calculate Jupiter's place, or find his longitude, for a given day. This may be done by certain rules and tables in Warren's Kala-sankalita, but that work is very difficult to obtain now. To supply a substitute, I reprint here two of Warren's Tables, slightly modified, and give his rules, some of them so altered as to make them applicable to some Tables in Vol. XVIII. of this Journal. I shall only be too glad, if my doing this will induce a more competent scholar to show us how the problem may be solved in a simpler manner.
To show the working of the rules and Tables here given, I take as an example the 18th October A. D. 475, when, according to Mr. Dikshit, the true longitude of Jupiter was 195° 24'.
RULES. 1.- Convert the given date into the corresponding day of the Julian period, by Table I. in Vol. XVIII. p. 203.
The 18th October A. D. 475 is found to be the day 1894 842 of the Julian period. .
2. - To find Jupiter's moan place, use the Tables 1 and 2 in Vol. XVIII, pp. 382 and 383, taking the Nos. 1-12, 13-24, 25-36, 37-48, and 49-60 in the first column of Table 2 in cach case to be equivalent to the complete) signs from 0 to 11,thus:
From the day of the Julian period subtract the next lower number of days in the column without bija of Table 1. From the remainder subtract the next lower number of days in the column without bija of Table 2, to obtain signs. The remainder divide by 12.0342 to obtain degroes; and the remainder by 0.2006, to obtain minutes.
Day of Jul. per. 1894 842-0000 Table 1 -1888 161.9457
6 680-0543 Table 2
- 6 498-4810 = No.,19= 6 signs ; 12.0342: 181.5733 = 15;
120 342 61 2313
60 1710 0-2006 :
1.0603 = 5.
1 Soe Ep. Ind. Vol. III. p. 117. The date corresponds to Thursday, the 10th January A. D. 1387, and according to Warren's roles, here given, Jupiter's mean place on that day was 4s 11° 48', and his true place 46 21° 45, in both cases in the sign Sinha.
"I may state here that my manuscript of this article was sent to the press in April last, before the publication of The Indian Calendar. In the Additions and Corrections of that work, pp. 155-161, the authors have done now what I very much wished them to do..
See Gupta Inscr., Introduction, p. 105.
.0 Mioa; 1 = Mteha: 2 Vrishabba, 8 Mithuna; 4 = Karkata ; 5 Simha; 6=Kaoy ; 7 Tull; B Vrischika; 9 = Dhanuh; 10 Makara; 11 = Kumbha.