AUGUST, 1896.)
General Rules. 158. (1) In Feminine forms of the Perfect Participle and Aorist, and in all forms of both genders of the Pluperfect II.], there is a marked tendency to palatalize final consonants, which leads to the following changes : Final.
Become. Sg and JI
ei (only in Fem. pl., and Plup. II.)
ch [only in Fem. pl., and Plap. II.)
4S kk
chl [only in Fem. pl., and Plup. II.]
ciut me
mmanjg6o مدیور
tujube جور
hekan, to be able متى
hyuk هيك
neckson هچیرو
. hockh چهہ
toolhgdo میور
[The above has been slightly altered from the original, to bring the information up to date. The changes only occur in Transitive verbs, and in Listed Intransitive verbs. They do not occur in other Intransitive verbs; see $ 147a.] Examples. Aor. 3rd sg. maso. Aor. 3rd sg. fem.
Plur. II., 1st pl. of Tr.,
and 3rd sg. of Iutr. verbs. kié mangun, to ask hio mong w tulun, to bear Útul obis gundun, to bind this gono kis gand
J is ganjyou
hech con tragen, to cat be too! toat evento teachyou wócó hokhun, to be dry natá hokh wenys deskun, to see (ans mit 35 dyüļh
Játs déchhyoo old verb)
u hetsov usió mathun, to anoint spio moth Á ladun, to build a lod
who mini
ggriso ményồo
Jalanyôo Exception. - When s dis itself derived from j s, it goes back to ; - in the feminine, instead of becoming j.
* Perf. part. pane celo telmat, tem. fun turmate.
hyter, to take هين
asus ميت
malak مچهه
ما ز
malah60 مچموو
taste تزور
manun, to measure ميتن
anun, to bring أنن
mytin مون
on أن