[JUNE, 1896.
M. Ernest Leroux has been appointed treasurer
Second Section.. and publisher to the Congress, and it has been Languages and Archeology of the Far East. decided to fix the fees at 20 francs.
(a) China and Japan. International Congress of Orientalists:
MM. Cordier, Devéria, Guimet, DeRoeny, Ed. XIth Session, Paris, September, 1897.
Specht: Secretary, M. Ed. Chavannes. Patron.
(b) Indo-China, Malay Countries and The President of the Republic.
Polynesia. Standing Committee.
MM. Aymonier, Bonet, Cordier, Marre : SecrePresident: M. Charles Schefer, Rue de Lille, 2. tary, M. P. Lefèvre-Pontalis. Vice-President: M. Barbier de Meynard, Boule
Third Section. vard de Magenta, 18.
Musalman Languages and Arohwology. Secretaries : Prof. Maspero, Avenue de l'Obser- MM. Barbier de Meynard, Devenbourg, Houdas,
vatoire, 24; Prof. Henri Cordier, Place Vin- Schefer : Secretary, M. Casanova. timille, 3.
Fourth Section. Members : M. E. Aymonier, Rue du Général Foy, 46.
Semitio Languages and Archeology. M. Em. Guimet, Place d'Iéna.
(a) Aramaio, Hebrew, Phoenician, Ethiopio. Prof. Jules Oppert, Rue de Sfax, 2.
MM. Ph. Berger, Bubens Duval, Marquis de M. G. Schlumberger, Avenue d'Antin, 27.
Vogüé: Secretary, M. L'Abbé Chabot. M. Em. Senart, Rue François Ier, 18.
(b) Assyrian. Marquis de Vogüé, Rue Fabert, 2.
MM. Henzey, J. Oppert, L'Abbé Quentin,
Thureau-Dangin: Secretary, R. P. Scheil. Treasurer and Publisher : M. Ernest Leroux, Rue Bonaparte, 28.
Fifth Section. General Managing Committees.
Egypt and the African Languages.
MM. Guieysse, General Hanoteau, Lefébure, First Section.
Maspero, Pierret: Secretaries, MM. René Basset Aryan Languages and Archeology, and Moret. (a) Indis.
Sixth Section. MM. Barth, Bréal, Senart, Vinson: Secretary. The East, Greece, Greek Relations with the M. Sylvain Levi.
East, and Turkey. (6) Persia.
MM. D. Bikelas, E. Legrand, G. Schlumberger : MM. Carrière, Dieulafoy, Drouin, Blochet:
Secretaries, MM. Jean Psichari and Théodore
Reinach. Secretary, M. Meillet.
Seventh Section. (c) Linguistics.
Ethnography and Folk-lore of the East. MM, Bréal, V. Henry, Ed. Specht: Secretary, Prince Roland Bonaparte, Dr. E. T. Hamy, M. Louis Duvau.
IM. Girard de Rialle: Secretary, M. F. Grenard.
also to remove from them all temptation to TEE fourth prayer of the Musalmên day, orientation or sun-worship. This latter is the known in Arabic as Sulatu'l-Maghrib (the prayer primary cause of the Hindu worshipping the at sunrise), in Persian as Namdx-i-Sham (even púrab (east), and apparently of the Christians of ing prayer), in Pashtu as Nmd-Kkhdm (evening the Greek, Latin, and even Reformed Protestant prayer), is appointed to be said a few minutes Churches bowing to the east at certain portions after sunset i. e., after the orb of the sun har of their Church Service. The Jewe, Semitic disappeared from the view. It is a tradition that brethren of the Arabs, shared with them their the object of Muhammad in fixing the time was abhorrence of orientation. See Ezekiel's horror to avoid any suspicion of his followers holding stricken vision (Ezekiel, viii. 16). the Sabian tenets and worshipping the sun, as
T. C. PLOWDEN, in P. N. and Q. 1883.