[MAY, 1896.
following remarks on what may be called the quotations from Harita which occur in the first Dharmasatra of Harita.
volume of Sayana's Commentary of the Smriti of The contents, as well as the style and language,
Parasara bave been verified by Pandit Ielamaof the present work tend to shew its close analogy purkar Våman Sastri. He observes that he has with the genuine Dharmasútras of Åpastamba, succeeded in tracing a majority of the author's Baudhayana and others, the earliest relics of quotations. Harita is constantly referred to as Sanskpit legal literature. The following is ali aularity in the bulky compilations on funeral a list of the principal subjects treated in the
rites, such as, e. g., the huge Sraddhakalpa of Harita Dharmśdstra, as this work is styled in the
Hemadri. These texts have been carefully col. colophons.viz.. the respective duties of the lected by Dr. Caland, who in his valuable work four orders (Cérama), rules of diet, almsgiving,
Altindischer Ahnencult (pp. 93-95) has underfuneral oblations, the duties of an absolved
taken to restore the original Srdddhakalpa of student, the five great offerings, the study of
Harita. Turning to the present work, we find the Veda, impurity and its removal, penances
that the description of funeral oblations in for various offences, the examination of wit- Chapter 12 agrees in the main with the conjecnesses, law and judgment, the obligations of tures put forward by Dr. Caland. As regards the women, philosophy, the chief crimes and offences, Vedic works quoted or referred to by Hårita, it the entertainment of Brahman guests, special is important to note that he seems to look up with penances, purificatory prayers. The treatment of special veneration to holy Maitri vani. The these subjects is very copious for the most part,
authenticity of several references to that Vedic the bulk of the present work exceeding that of teacher is confirmed by the quotations from all other Dharmasútras known hitherto, except
rto. except. Harita in Hemadri's and other legal treatises. It ing perhaps the Vishnusmriti, which work, how. appears, therefore, that Prof. Bühler has been ever, abounds in modern additions. The chapters quite right in his surmises regarding an original are termed Adhyâyas, as in the Vishnusmriti, connexion between Hårita and the well-known Gautamasmriti and other modernized Dharma. Vedic school of the Maitråyaniyas. Hårita shews sittras. The language abounds in archaic terms himself thoroughly acquainted with the works of and quotations from Vedic works. Long prose
that school; thus, the curious Mantra fotadayo passages alternate with verses in the Anushţubh | viro, which he quotes without giving his source, and Trishtubh metres, as in the other Dharma- may be traced in the Maitrdyani Samhita (1, 2,5). sútras. Many among the versified texts recur
The publication of this work which ranks with literally in these ancient works. Thus the Trish.
the earliest and most precious relics of Sanskrit tubhs on Science and on Venial Falsehood in
literature would be a great desideratum. UnforChapters 18 and 23 recur in Vasishtha 2, 8 and
tunately, to undertake an edition of it from this 16, 35 and in Vishnu 29, 9; the bloleas on pañcha
single MS. is entirely out of the question. The súnd and on sabhd in Chapters 10 and 23 are equally
MS. is apparently complete in thirty chapters, and met with in Manu 3, 68, Vishnu 59, 19, and Naruda has been written about the end of the seventeenth 1. 3. 14-17; the whole section on praeritiydvaka
century, but clerical errors, blunders and omisin 28 corresponds literally with Baudhdyana 3, 6
sions of every sort are so frequent in it that a and Vishnu 48. These passages cannot have been
great many passages are utterly unintelligible in borrowed by Hårita from the other works, as they
spite of the excellent assistance afforded by the may be traced to their source in the floating
numerous quotations above referred to. Let us wisdom of the ancient sages and teachers.
hope that other and more reliable MSS. of The authenticity of the present work may be Harita's Dharmasútra may soon turn up. Perhaps further proved by an examination of the quotations we may look to the Benares Pandits for help in this from it in the medieval and modern commentaries matter, as Krishnapandita's recent Commentary and digests, and by the quotations from, and of the Vasishtha-smriti, in which a text of Harita references to, Vedic productions wbich it contains is quoted, has been printed at Benares. An old itself. Thus the texts of Harita, which have been
Commentary on the Háríta-smriti is quoted by brought together in the abovementioned Collection Hemadri (3. l. 559). and Kashmirian was of Legal Quotations, may be generally traced in mentioned in this commentary seems to point to the present work; e. 9., the long string of rules Kashmir as being the country where it has been concerning women (3, 3 loc. cit.) which may be
written. Nothing could afford such good help viewed as the locus classicus for the subject, the towards preparing a correct edition of this imarchaic comparison of the distribution of the
portant work than the recovery of an ancient family property between a father and his sons
commentary. with the jars at a Soma sacrifice, etc. Those Würzburg.