In S. 1160 current, which by the southern luni-solar system was Hêmalamba, the third tithi of the bright half of Phâlguna commenced 5 h. 12 m. after mean sunrise of Thursday, 18th February, A. D. 1238, and ended 3 h. after mean sunrise of the following day.
S. 1189.
Ante, Vol. XII. p. 101.
Date of an Old-Kanarese inscription at
131. Kadakol:
(L. 1). — Sri-Sa(sa) kavarusa(rsha) 1189 Prabhava-samvatsarada Mâgha-su(śu)dha(ddha) 5 Su(su)kravaradalu.
In 3. 1189 expired, which by the southern luni-solar system was Prabhava, the 5th tithi of the bright half of Mâgha commenced 2 h. 42 m. after mean sunrise of Friday, 20th January, A. D. 1268, and ended 4 h. 41 m. after mean suurise of the following day.
Mysore Inscr. No. 172, p. 325. Somnathpur inscription of the Hoysala
132. §. 1192. Narasimha III. :
The Saka year 1192, the year Sukla, the month Âshâḍha, the 12th day of the moon's increase, Wednesday.'
In S. 1102 current, which by the southern luni-solar system was Sukla, the 12th tithi of the bright half of Ashâḍha commenced 2 h. 25 m. after mean sunrise of Wednesday, 12th June, A. D. 1269, and ended about sunrise of the following day.
Ante, Vol. XII. p. 101. Date of an Old-Kanarese inscription at
133.8. 1201. Kadakol:
(L. 1). Srimatu-Sa(sa) kavarusa (rsha) 1201 Pramathi-samvatsarada Bhadrapada-su(su)ddha-chhat[t]i Somavarad-aindu.
In 8. 1201 expired, which by the southern luni-solar system was Pramathin, the 6th tithi of the bright half of Bhadrapada commenced 4 h. 19 m. after mean sunrise of Monday, 14th August, A. D. 1279, and ended 3 h. 20 m. after mean sunrise of the following day.
134. S. 1277. Ante, Vol. XII. p. 212, No. 64. Mysore Inscr. No. 1, p. 3. Chitaldurg inscription of Bukkaraya-Vodeya of Hosapaṭṭana (and afterwards of Vijayanagara):
Sa(sa)ka-varusha 1277 Manumatha-samvachhchha (tsa)rada Jê(jyai)shta (shtha)-śudhdha(ddha) 7 so (i. e. Somavara).
In 8. 1277 expired, which by the southern luni-solar system was Manmatha, the 7th tithi of the bright half of Jyaishtha commenced 3 h. 58 m. after mean sunrise of Monday, 18th May, A. D. 1355, and ended 1 h. 17 m. after mean sunrise of the following day.
135.-S. 1296. Hultzsch, South Ind. Inser. Vol. I. p. 104. Inscription on the south wall of a Mandapa at the base of the Tirumalai rock :
'On the day of (the nakshatra) Uttirattadi (i. e. Uttara-bhadrapada), which corresponds to Monday, the eighth lunar day of the former half of the month of Dhanus of the Ananda year, which was current after the 'Saka year 1296 (had passed).'
In S. 1296 expired, which by the southern luni-solar system was Ananda, the Dhanuḥsamkranti took place (and the solar Pausha commenced) 20 h. 21 m. after mean sunrise of the 27th November, A. D. 1374; and the day of the date is Monday, 11th December, A. D. 1374 when the 8th tithi of the bright half (of the lunar Pausha) commenced 3 h. 41 m., and when the moon entered Uttara-bhadrapada 3 h. 17 m. after mean sunrise.
136. S. 1560.- Páli, Skr. and Old-Kan. Inser. No. 237; Mysore Inscr. No. 119, p. 218. Date in a stone inscription at Halebid :
"Salivahana-Saka 1560 (in figures, 1. 9), the Isvara samvatsara; Thursday, the fifth day of the bright fortnight of Phalguna.'