(FEBRUARY, 1895.
He answered: -“If I take thee unmarried both thou and I will come to shame." “But," she said, " If the signs of betrotbal be sent, I trust thou wilt not refuse them."
He promised that he would accept them. So Zahir Diwan returned home, but he did not forget the Râni Surail.
To the Râni Achhal, who had received the two grains of barley from Guru Gôrakhnath, two sons were born at the same time - Surjan and Arjun. They were of the same age as Zahir Diwan. Now when the Raja of Bundi sent his Brahman and barber to perform the betrothal rite between his daughter and Zahir Diwûn the brothers forbade the rite, as there was an old grudge between their family and that of the Raja of Bûndi. But before they left the Rani Sarail had strictly warned the Brahman and barber that they should on no pretence betroth her to any but Zahir Diwan. So they went to the Raja Amar Sinh, who treated them with great kindness and asked the cause of their coming. They said that they had come to betroth his grandson to the daughter of the Raja of Bandi. On hearing this Amar Sinh pat his hands to his ears12 and said: -
"I regret that I cannot betroth my grandson to the Bandi Rans, because I have an hereditary enmity with her father."
The Brâhman and the barber left the place at once and on the way they met Zahir Diwan. When they told him the result of their mission he said:
"I am the grandson of Amar Sinh it is true; but what have I to do with that old dotard ? Give the signs of betrothal to me."
The Brâhman hesitated, but the barber spake out:-"O Kanwar Sahib! betrothal is not performed in this fashion."
At this Zahir Diwan smote the barber on the back with his whip and he rolled on the ground.
The Brahman then said : -"Maharaj! The barber was not altogether wrong. At the least some of your kinsfolk are needed for the betrothal."
Then Zahir Diwan invoked the saint Gorakhnath, and, as he prayed, the seat of the Gura was shaken, and he at once started with a troop of his followers and reached the place.
But the Brâhmaņ spake :- " Sâdhus are not recognised as due witnesses of the rite of betrothal."
So Zahir Diwan invoked the aid of Mahadeva and Indra and they at once appeared, and there, even in the jungle, the rite of betrothal was duly accomplished. Gôrakhnath gave to the Brahman and the barber his consecrated ashes, and Zahir Diwan informed them that his marriage procession would start on the ninth of the dark fortnight of Bhadon. The Brahmaṇ and the barber then started and the gods returned to their heaven.
When the Brahman and the barber reached Bůndi they opened the parcel of consecrated ashes which Gorakhnath had given them, and found that the ashes had been turned into gems. When the Raja of Bûndi heard that the betrothal had been performed he was wroth and beat the Brahman and the barber almost to death. Hearing their cries, the Rani Sarail came into the Court, and seizing her father by the hand said : -
“Father, it is a deadly sin to kill a Brahman. Do not kill him. What has been done cannot be undone even by Parameswar himself."
The Râja came to his senses and the Rani Surail took the Brâhman into her private apartments and loaded him with presents. Next day the Brahman and the berber explained to the Raja all that had happened in the jungle, and informed him that the marriage procession would arrive on the ninth night of the dark fortnight of Bhadon. The Râja hearing this was filled with anxiety, reflecting what arrangements he could make in the rainy season. But his ministers comforted him by saying that where wealth abounded all was possible.
11 A sign of dissent or disagreement.