****. 278
of the name, 315f.; derived from the LAI Deo. the Red Demon .......................... 272 Aramaic of Akhæmenian Period, 315; LÅl Pari, the Red Fairy ...........................272.
Bynonymous names for....... ................. 286 lamps, their place in Hindu ceremonies, 18:Kilppôrar, the family name of the Rajas of use of, at a house-warming among Hindus. 376
Travancore, discussed, 282: the title dis- Lath Alphabet = Brahma Alphabet ............ 234 cussed ................
...............283f. lead, its power over spirits ....................... 50 Kinnyanna of Edambor, hero of the Koti leather is a spirit-scarer, partly because itsed
and Channayya Legend .................. 244, 268f. for beating, 296 : objects made of, as spiritkiss, ceremonial, its objects .................... 292 scarers, 296f.:- the spirit of the animal to knots being circles scare spirits ................... 131 which the skin belonged passes into it ...... 298 knotting together the bride and bridegroom light as a spirit-scarer, 847; as a guardian among Hindus is to scare spirits
spirit, 354; of the guardian spirit ............ 317 Kochchadaiyavarman, inscriptions of, in Tra- lights at festivals are spirit-scarers, 353 : - vancore, noted ..................................... 334
waving, as a spirit-scarer........................ 352 Kodainallar mentioned................................. 309 "lifting," ceremonial, is a spirit-scarer .......3168. Ko-Jatavarman = Sundara-Chola-Pandya
lime is a spirit-scarer .............................. 316 deva ....................
...... 334
liquor as a god, 317: - as a good spirit, 318; Köļamba Era Kollam Era, 280; discussed..280f. as an evil spirit, 318; as a guardian spirit, Kolidaikkúru, capital of Vênád in the 12th
320, 323: - as a spirit-home, 317ff. :-28 a century, A. D. ........
............ 278 spirit-scarer, 317ff., 323 : - ceremonies to Kolikod = Calicut.....
guard, as a guardian spirit, 320: - as the Komalapattana on the Coromandel Coast not spirit of an ancestor, 317: -- ceremonial,
identified .............................................. 332 i.e., divine, 319: - the religious objects of Konêri-Tirtha, story of the ..................... 238f. the use of, enumerated, 330f.; effect of Kothi Tank, the sacred, at Mañjguni, described 232 drinking ............
............ 320 Koti, the Bhata, 113ff.; his birth, 141, his Lolo MSS., history of the, in Europe ......... 1728. death .........
............ 271
Lolos, written character of the ................. 172 Kol and Channaya, the story of a, 113ff.;
Legend of, 211ff., 242ff., 267 : - were born at Pañjana Bidu in Parima!, 115:
Mabu Banna Deyi Baidya ...................... 115 the ceremony of shaving described, Mahabhdrata, Prof. Holtzmann's book on 114f.: - the story of their gamble, the, noted, 70: Pratápa Chandra Ray's 143f.:--the story of the hog-hunt, 268ff.:
edition, noted ........................................ 69 the story of the Brahman at Ekanádka, Mahâbuildharûpa, the, at Pegu, noticed ...... 339
270:- the story of the battle at Pañja. 270 Mahánkali Abbe of Mala, a Bhota ............... 117 Koți Nigrûni, an Edambor Baidya ............... 115 Mahâvihira, origin of the word .................. 303 Krishna-jayanti, date with a .................... Makayiram = Mrigaśirsha ....................257n. Krittika, observations as to, value in deter- Malai = Malay
........ 301 mining the age of the Rig Veda discussed, Malayadipa=the Malay Archipelago, 301;= 361f.:-the vernal equinox in, not proved, M alayu ............................................... 301 96:- the position of the, as deciding the Malayalam, Archaic, explained .................. 279n. age of the Satapatha Brühmana ............ 245 Malayu = Malay Archipelago...................... 301 Kulikod-Kolidaikkûra ...........
.... 278
Mannlikkarai, its situation described, 308: - Kumara Tirtha of Mañjguni ........
.... 241
inscription at one of the great charters of Kumariye is a Brahmå Bhata, 118; Bhota, son
Travancore .............
........... 308 of Deyar, 117; his game with the Asuras. 117f. Mañjguni Fair, the, described, 231f.:Kunangarai, its situation described ............. 284 Temple, the local tradition of the ............. 211€. Kunvarbai, Narsinh Mehêta's daughter, 73; Majguni.Purina, the, describe:l ..............231. her shrine at Dwarka
.......................... 7+ Manu, Cole of, Strehly's translation of, noted. 68 Kapadêsam = Arringal ........................... 282 Máy Sinh = Nân Sinh ............ ............ .19 Kapukas, the king of the, conquered by Raja- Mârgasirsha, the month, is the beginning of raja Chola, 282:- a queen of the noticed... 282 the year, discussed ............. .........91f.
marriage-relationships in terms of abuse, Lakkhiyapurn = Letkaik on the Rangoon 112: - mireulous gifts at n, in folk-tales,
River'................................................. 302 53:- gods present uti, in folk-talos......... 5?f. LAI Bêg and the Musalman Creed, 332; Marttu = Martana .........................278 11. origin of .... .....
................ 177 Maradesa = Big å ................................ 49