[JULY, 1895.
194. - 3. 1103. - Pali, Skr. and Oud-Kan. Insor. No. 230. Halêbid inscription of the Kalachuri (Saúkama-) Ahavamalla, and Vikramaditya of the Gutta family
Sakn 1103 (in words, 1. 83), the Plava samvatsara; at the time of the sun's commencing his progress to the north.'
195.-P. 129, No. 100. - 5. 1104, Plava, Âśvayaja-vadi 3, Adi-vára. From an inscription at Têrda!
196. - P. 1, No. 123.-8. 1104,* Plava, Pausha-vadi 3, Sukra-vara, attarayaņa-samkranti. Sravan Belgoļa inscription of the Hoysaļa Vira-BallAļa.
197. - P. 15, No. 189. - 8. 1105, Sobhakrit, Áśvayaj-amâvâsya, Soma-vårê. Bêhati copper-plates of the Kalachuri Singhans.
198. - 9. 1106. - Pali, Skr, and Old-Kan. Inscr. No. 102: ante, Vol. XII. p. 209, No. 19. Damba! inscription of the Western Chilukya Som svara IV.:
(L. 71). – Sa()kanri(nội)pa-kål-atita-samvatsara 1106neya Krodhi-saóvatsarad=Asi(sha)da(dha)d-amavasyê Sômavara süry yagrahaņa-sankrâmti-vyati patad-andu.t
199. – 3. 1107. - From Dr. Fleet's impression. Bombay As. Soc.'s inscription of the 'Silara A paraditya :
(L. 1). — Samvata 1107 Visva(sva)vasu-samvachchha(tsa)ré Chaitra-suddha 15 Ravau dinê.56
200. – S. 1108. – Ante, Vol. V. p. 47; Mysore Inser. No. 39, p. 78. Date in a Kalachuri inscription at Balagânve:
(L. 47). - Srimatea(chchha)ka-varsha 1108neya Parabhava-samvatsarada Vaisakha-ba 5 va (ya).
201. - 8. 1109. – Jour. Bo. As. Soc. Vol. XII. p. 333. Bombay As. Soc.'s inscription of the Silara Aparaditya :
(L. 1). - Saka-samvatu 1109 Parabhava-samvatsarê li Mâghô mási II (L. 8). - samjâta-Maghi-parrani.
202. - P. 15, No. 190. - 8. 1109, Plaveiga, Chaitra-sadi 10, Brihaspati-våra. Grant by the Dandanayaka Bhayidava, commemorated in an inscription at Terda!.
203.-P. 130, No. 101. - 8. 1110,* Plavanga, Pausha-vadi 10, Vadda-vârz, uttarayanasankranti. Toragal inscription of the Mahámındalesvara Barma.
204. - 8. 110.– Pali, Skr. and Ou-Kan. Inscr. No. 230. Haļébių inscription of the Kalachari Sankama-Ahavamalla (P) and Vikramaditya of the Gutta family (P) :
Saka 1110 (in figures, 1. 103), the Plavanga smvatsara; Thursday, the thirteenth day of the bright fortnight of Phâlguna.'t
205. - S. 110* - Páli, Skr. and Old-Kan. Inser. No. 231. Halebią inscription of the Great Chieftain Vikramaditya of the Gutta family :
Sakn 1110 (in figures, 1. 87), the Plavanga saivatsara; Thursday, the thirteenth day of the bright fortnight of Phálgana.'t
206. - P. 125, No. 70 (E). Ind. Vol. III. p. 215).-8. 1112, Sadharapa, Pausha-vadi 12, Bhauma-vård, uttarayaņa-samkranti, Kolhapur inscription of the Silahara Bhoja II.
207. - P. 125, No. 71 (Ep. Ind. Vol. III. p. 219).-8. 1113, Virodhakrit, Jyaishthamavasya, Aditya-vire, a solar eclipse. Gadag inscription of the Dêvagiri-Yadava Bhillama.
* The date regularly corresponds to Sunday, the 17th March, A. D. 1135