[JANUARY, 1895.
192.- S. 1157. - Graham's Kolhapour, p. 426, No. 12. From an impression supplied to me by Dr. Fleet. Kolhapur inscription of the Dêvagiri-Yadava Singhaņa II. : -
(L. 1). - Saka 1157 Manmatha-samvatsaré Sravaņa-bahula 30 Gurau.
In S. 1157 expired, which by the southern luni-solar system was Manmatha, the 15th tithi of the dark half of the amanta Sravana ended 9 h. 8 m. after mean sunrise of Wednesday, 15th August, A. D. 1235. In S. 1167 current, which was the year Jaya, Sravana was intercalary, and the new-moon tithi of the first Sråvaņa ended 15 h. 36 m. after mean sunrise f Thursday, 27th July, A. D. 1234.
193.-. 1174. - Jour. Bo. As. Soc. Vol. XII. p. 39; ante, Vol. XIX. p. 441. Munolli inscription of the Dêvagiri-Yadava Krishna : -
(L. 20). - Sa(sa)ka-varsha 1174neya Viro[dhikritu)-samvatsarada Jêshța20 bahola va(a)mavåse suryyagrahaņa Su(su)krava[rad-a]mdu.
In S. 1174 current, which by the southern luni-solar system was virodhakrit, the new-moon title of the amanta Jyaishtha ended 15 h. 14 m. after mean sunrise of Tuesday, 20th June, A. D. 1251. In S. 1174 expired the same tithi ended 16 h. 1 m. after mean sunrise of Saturday, 8th June, A. D. 1252. On neither day was there a solar eclipse.
194.-. 1175. - Jour. Bo. As. Soc. Vol. XII. p. 44; ante, Vol. XIX. p. 442. Bêhatt copper-plate inscription of the Dêvagiri-Yadava Krishna : -
(L. 51). - Pamchasaptatyadhika-satôttara-sahasrake 'Saka-varshê varttamanê svasti srimad. Yadavanarayana-blujava(ba)lapraudbapratapachakravartti-srf-Kanharadêva-varshêshu saptamê Pramadi-samvatsarê Chaitra-måsê krishiņa-pakshê amâvâsyåyår Somaváre.
In S. 1175 expired, which by the southern luni-solar system was Pramadin, the newmoon tithi of the amánta Chaitra ended 19 h. 59 m. after mean sunrise of Sunday, 30th March, A. D. 1253. In S. 1175 current the same tithi ended 11 h. 7 m, after mean sunrise of Wednesday, 10th April, A. D. 1252.
195. - S. 1180. - Hultzsch, South Ind. Inscr. Vol. I. p. 108. Date of an inscription at the Ammaiappêsvara temple at Padavēdu : -
To-day, which is the day of the nakshatra) Bevatt and Monday, the seventh lunar day of the former half of the month of Karkataka, which was current after the Saka year one thousand one hundred and eighty (had passed).'
In S. 1180 expired the sun was in the sign Karkata from 11 h. 5 m. after mean sunrise of the 27th Jane to 22 h. 21 m. after mean sunrise of the 28th July, A.D. 1258. During this time there was one 7th tithi of the bright half, which commenced 3 h. 58 m. after mean sunrise of Monday, the 8th July, and ended 1 h. 46 m. after mean sunrise of the following day. But on Monday, the 8th July, the moon was in Hasta (No. 13) and Chitra (No. 14), not in Rêvati (No. 27).
196. - 8. 1261. - Ante, Vol. X. p. 63. Bådâmi inscription of the time of Harihara I. of Vijayanagara :
(L. 1). - Saka-varusha 1261neya Vikrama-samvatsarada Chaitra-en (én) 1 Gu (i.e. Guruvara).
In the year Vikrama, which by the southern luni-solar system was 8. 1263 (not 1261) expired, the first tithi of the bright half of Chaitra ended 4 h. 53 m. after mean sunrise of Tuesday, 29th February, A. D. 1340. In 8. 1261 expired the same tithi commenced 1 h. 46 m. after mean sunrise of Thursday, 11th March, A.D. 1339, and ended 3 h. 41 m. after mean sunrise of the next day. - If the figure 1 for the tithi of the date were a mistake for 10, the 20 Read Jyéshtha.
21 The name of the Jovian year has here been omitted through an oversight.