(JANUARY, 1890.
966, at about 6 ghatls, and ended on the Saturday, calculated the date; and had found that the at about 22 palas.
resulting week-day was a Thursday, if the date And in Saka-Samvat 889 current (889 expired),
was referred to the Saka era, and only if it was so Chaitra sukla 5 ended on Wednesday, 28th Feb.
referred. He gave no further details as to the ruary, A. D. 966, at about 28 gh. 38 p.; the exact English equivalent; his object then, in púrnimanta Phálguna krishpa 2 ended on Wed. connection with certain points of confusion benesday, 30th January, A. D. 967, at about 41 gh.
tween the Saka and the Vikrama eras, being only 33 p.; and the amanta Phálguna krishna 2 to apply the general result as proof that, in began on Thursday, 28th February, A.D. 987, using the word Sake, Utpala did intend to quote at about 11 gh. 14 p., and ended on the Friday, the Saka era commencing A. D. 77, and not the at about 4 gh. 54 p.
Vikrama era commencing B. C. 58. But both
he and Pandit Bapu Deva Shastri must, I think, Now, the two dates must, I think, be treated
have arrived at the date given above; Thursday, with absoluto uniformity. And, on that condi.
9th March, A.D. 966. tion, correct results can be obtained for them only if we apply the given year as a current
And I take it that the above application of year, and the given tithis as current tithis. In- the given year as a current year, and of the given deed, with Saka-Samvat 888 expired, a Thursday
tithis as current tithis, is correct; that the Com. cannot be obtained for Chaitra sukla 5 at all. mentary on the Brihaj-JAtaka was finished But in Saka-Samvat 888 current, Chaitra bukla 5 on Thursday, 9th March, A.D. 965; and that might be coupled, as a current tithi, with the the Commentary on the Brihat-Samhita was Thursday, for a short period at the end of the finished on Thursday, 11th January, A.D. 986. Hindu week-day; and the purnimanta Phålguna There is, however, another possibility, which krishna 2 might be coupled as a current tithi, is worth noting. It is that here, as in some either with the Wednesday or with the Thursday, unquestionable instances(see p. 24 f. above, under with which latter day alone it could be coupled No. 11), the word Bakd is in reality used to denote as an ended tithi. In the case of Chaitra sukla a year of the Vikrama era. And on this 5, the result runs rather close ; for, on the Hindu hypothesis, the results are as follows: Thursday it was current only for about igh. 38 P., Chaitra sukla 5 endedor 40 minutes, just before mean sunrise at the In northern Vikrama-Samvat 898 current. at end of the day. And with Prof. Jacobi's Tables about 15 gh. 2 p., on Thursday, 3rd March, A.D. the result is run even closer still; for, by ! his ordinary method, the tithi commenced at 23] In northern Vikrama-Samvat 889 current, (888 hrs. 22 min. on the Thursday, and ended at 22 expired) and southern Vikrama-Samvat 888 curhrs. 58 min. on the Friday; while, by his closer rent, at about 17 gh. 43 p. on Wednesday, 22nd method, ending at 21 hrs. 24 min. on the Friday, Match, A. D. 831 :it commenced at or immediately after mean 1 And in southern Vikrama-Saxhvat 889 current sunrise, -- or a few minutes before apparent sun (888 expired), at about 41 palas on Monday, 11th rise, which at that season would be a little later March, A. D. 832. than mean sunrise, - at the end of the Thursday
And the parpimanta Phalguna krishna 2 and the beginning of the Friday. But the time
endedjust before sunrise is not an infrequent hour for
In Vikrama-Samyat 888 current, northern or literary work among the early-rising Hindus.
southern, at about 48 gh. 11 p., on Thursday, 2nd And we may take it for granted that Utpala, wish
February, A. D. 831:ing to give full details for the completion of his
And in Vikrama-Samvat 889 current (888 erbook, would be absolutely accurate in the matter;
pired), northern of southern, at about 6 gh. 15 p. and, knowing whether a current or an ended
on Tuesday, 23rd Jannary, A. D. 832. tithi should be quoted, would carefully determine
And the amânta Phalguna krishna 2 endedthe tithi accordingly, however close it might lie
In Vikrama-Samvat 888 current, northern or to the end or to the beginning of a week-day.
southern, at about 30 gh. I p. on Saturday, 4th To his quotation, in the Preface to the Brihat. March, A. D. 831: Sanhita, of the verse that gives the tithi Chaitra And in Vikrama-Sarvat 889 current (888 expired), sukla 5, Dr. Kern attached the remark that both northern or southern, at about 39 g. 56 P. On he himself and Pandit Bapu Deva Shastri had
Bu ara randi bapu Deva Shastri had Wednesday, 21st February, A. D. 832. * Mr. Sh. B. Dikshit, however, tells me that according vis. on the Thursday, at 58 gh. 21 r. after mean sunrise to the present edrya-Siddhanta, the tithi began at (for Ujjain). almost the same time as by Prof. K. L. Chhatre's Tables;