Jayanta composed his Kdvyaprakd adipikd
Siddhartha .......
......... 10, 20 in A. D. 1293 ......................................... 178 Subhaksit
......27, 39 (P) Jayantasimha, son of Vastupala ; see Girnar 25
Vikarin............. ....
..................358 (P) Jayantasimha (Chaulukya); see Kadt ........ 25 Jupiter, the planet ; his sixty-year cycle acjayanya-charms in the Atharva-Veda, Prof. cording to the northern luni-solar system;
Bloomfield on the ................. ................. 232 names of the years of the cycle, according Jayasithha I. (Early Chalukya), 13, 18; -
to this system, as used in recorded dates he had the epithet of vallabhendra .........13, 18 (for other possible cases, see the entries, Jayasitha I. and II. (East. Chalukya) ......... 435 to which queries are attached, under the Jayasitha III. (West. Oh&lukya ); in the preceding heading) :Lingayat Puranas his name occurs as
Chitrabhanu ........... Desinga and Dêsinga-BallAļa, 162, 163 ; -
KAlayukta................................... he had the biruda of Jagadókamalla, 165;
Sarvajit ................. - one of his chief cities was Pottalakere,
Vikarin..................... 161, 165; - the Mantar inscription of his Jupiter, the planet ; his sixty-year cycle ac
time, of Saka-Sarvat 962, edited ............ 161 cording to the southern luni-solar system ; jayastambha; see dharma-jayastambha ......8, 19 names of the years of the cycle, accord. Jayavarmadara (Chandella); Bee Kajurkhô... 362 ing to this system, as used in recorded Jayavarmadeva (Paramara) 36, 37, 38,
dates: - 850; -his Ujjain grant, edited............... 349 Chitrabhånu.............. Jayendra, a king of Kasmir ..................263, 266 Dundubhi...............
317 Jedda, a village in Maisar; perhaps men.
Lávara .............
374 tioned by the ancient name of Jedagur
Jaya ...............
274 or Jedagur ........................................... 144 Prajapati ..........
442 Jedugar, or Jedugar, perhaps the ancient
Pramadin .........
442 name of Jedda ...................................144, 145 Saumya.............
41 jewel, the serpent ....................
78 Siddharthin..
...... 155 Jdalamôrudurganagara, = Jêsalmer, 39; -
Srimukha ...... leo Jêsalpur ......................
*** SESS..... 240
SyabhAnu ................... ..... .... ... 157 Jbanal; an inscription from the wall of the
Vibhava ...............
......................... 165, 248 Fort; examination of the date .............. 179 Virôdhikrit ....................................... 41 Jidduļige Seventy, an ancient district near
Virôdhin .......................................... 156 Balaganve ............... Jinaprabha composed his Ajitaldntistavadritti
in A. D. 1308, . : 354; - and his Bhaya- ka, an affis, in pravardhamanaka ................ 803
harastavavritti in the same year................ 26 Kabir, the value of his works...................... 104 Jiyasatta, king of Savattht in the Kunala 1 Kachari language, its affinity to Garo ......... 231
country ............................................... 235 n. Kachchhayana's Pali Grammar; BuddhaJfianavimalagani composed his commentaryon
ghosa is said to have translated it into Mahêsvara's Sabdaprabheda in A. D. 1598 39 Burmese ............................................... 119 Jupiter, the planet; his sixty-year cyclo Kadanapura, an ancient town ....................... 33
according to the mean-sign system; an Kadaram, an ancient place ............ 331, 339, 340 instance in which a year of this oycle is Kadt grants; examination of the dates; of apparently quoted as the expired year, Bhimadeva II., 25, 30, 166, 366,368, 369; 369 ; - names of the years of the cycle, - of Jayantasimha, 25; - of Molarija, according to this system, as used in re.
166; - of Tribhuvanapaladeva, 372; - corded, dates (the queries indicate that in and of Visaladêva ........ .............. 183 those instances the years may be deter- Kajharagrama, an ancient village in mined either by this system or by the Magadha ............................................... 181 northern luni-solar system):
Kakka-Sari, the name of seventeen Jain Bahudhânya ................. ............34 (P) pontiffs in the Upakesa-Gachchha, 238 to BhÂva .........
...............32 (R), 359 241 ; - the tenth of them is placed in VikKhara ................. .............. 363 (P) rama-Samvat 1154, . . 241;- the eleventh, Kshayakfit ................ ................. 33 in V.-S. 1252,-. 241 ; - the twelfth, in . Manmaths ...........
................ 186 V.-S. 1371, 241; --the sixteenth, in Plsys ..................
................... 31 (P) V. S. 1498, .. 242; - and the seventeenth Prajapati............. .................38 EP) in V.-S. 1595 ..........
............... 249