JANUARY, 1890.]
Samvat 15 Ashadhadi 31 varashê14 Sravana-śndi 5 Bhû(bhau)mê ad[y]=êha śri-Kadanapurê sthane pâtasaha-sri(śri)-Mahimûda-vijayarajyê..
Northern V. 1534 current: Friday, 26 July, A.D. 1476.
Northern V. 1534 expired: Tuesday, 15 July, A.D. 1477; the 5th tithi of the bright half ended 7 h. 31 m. after mean sunrise.
In southern V. 1534 expired Śravana was intercalary; for the solar Śrâvana lasted from 29 June, 9 h. 19 m., to 30 July, 20 h. 35 m., and there were new-moons on 30 June, 5 h. 19 m., and 29 July, 12 h. 59 m. after mean sunrise, A.D. 1478. The 5th of the bright half of the first Sravana was Saturday, 4 July, A.D. 1478; and of the second Sravana, Monday, 3 August, A.D. 1478, when the 5th tithi of the bright half ended 3 h. 54 m. after mean sunrise.
48. V. 1555.- Professor Weber's Catalogue, Vol. II. p. 452. Date of a MS. of the Viyaha-pannatti, of the time of the Sultan Gayasadina15:
Samvat 1555 varshê sâkê 1420 Kshayakṛin-nama-samvatsarê Aévani-mâsile śuklapanchamyam Vakya(kpa)ti-varê . . . . suratrâna-Gayâsadina-râjyê. . . . . śrî-Saukhyâsya(spa)dê pattanê anu cha Mâmgalyapura-varê... likhitam-idaṁ.
Northern V. 1555 current: Saturday, 30 September, A.D. 1497.
Northern V. 1555 expired: Thursday, 20 September, A.D. 1498; the 5th tithi of the bright half ended 10 h. 29 m. after mean sunrise.
Southern V. 1555 expired: Tuesday, 10 September, A.D. 1499.
The year Kshaya, No. 60, here called Kshayakrit, lasted, according to the Sûrya-Siddhânta rule, without bija, from 1 May, A.D. 1498, to 27 April, A.D. 1499, and with bija, from 6 June, A.D. 1498, to 2 June, A.D. 1499; and according to the Jyôtistattva rale, from 10 April, A.D. 1498, to 6 April, A.D. 1499. Accordingly, Kshaya was actually current on the day of the date (20 September, A.D. 1498), but it had not begun yet at the commencement of the solar year (27 March, A.D. 1498). By the Têlinga rule the date would fall in the year Kalayukta, No. 52.
49. V. 1580. kaumudi :
Professor Eggeling's Catalogue, p. 166. Date of a MS. of the Prakriya
Svasti samvat pañchadasa 15 asîtau 80 pravarttamâne uttarayanê (nê) śri-sûryê grishmaritan mahâmângalya-pradê Jyêshtha-mâsê asita-pakshê dvâdasa-ghațikâ-paryanta-paurṇamâsi tadanantara-pratipadâyâm tithau Bhrigu-varê ady-êha Simhôdrada-sthânê..
Northern V. 1580 current: Monday, 9 June, A.D. 1522.
Northern V. 1580 expired: Friday, 29 May, A.D. 1523; the full-moon tithi ended 4 h. 24 m. after mean sunrise.
Southern V. 1580 expired: Tuesday, 17th May, A.D. 1524.
50. V. 1830.
vasarė Kâsyâm...
Samvat 1630 varshê prathama-Asa(sha)dha-sudi 3 dinê Mamgala-váre..
Professor Weber's Catalogue, Vol. II. p. 355. Date of a MS. of the
Ashadha was intercalary in northern V. 1630 expired (or southern V. 1630 current); for in that year the solar Ashadha lasted from 29 May, 8 h, 37 m. after mean sunrise, to 43 m. before mean sunrise of 30 June, A.D. 1573, and there were new-moons on 30 May, 20 h. 3 m., and 29 June, 5 h. 40 m. after mean sunrise. The third of the bright half of the first Ashaḍha was Tuesday, 2 June, A.D. 1573, when the third tithi of the bright half ended 18 h. 4 m. after mean sunrise; and of the second Ashâdha, Thursday, 2 July, A.D. 1573.
Date of a MS. of the
51.-V. 1650. Professor Eggeling's Catalogue, p. 23. Kándánukramaniká-vivarana (written at Benares) :
Samvat 1650 saké
Subhakrit-samvatsarê Bhadrapada-sudi-paurṇamâsyâm Bhrigu
14 Read varshe.
15 Sultan Ghiâsu'd-din, son of Mahmûd Khilji, ruler of Målva, A.D. 1482-1500. Thomas, loc. cit. p. 346 Bailey, loc. cit., Index.
16 Read Aévina-másl.