JANUARY, 1890.]
infrequently employed in the sense of varshu, 'a year.' Compare, e.)., ante, Vol. IX. p. 193, line 0 from the bottom, Vaikramé sake in the Vikrama year' (No. 56 below); line 3, tatsminnie take in the same year,' &c.; Eggeling, Catalogue of the Sanskrit DISS. of the I. O., p. 23, Sara 1650 kaké = Saitat 1050 varsle (No. 51 below); Rajendralal Mitra, Notices of Sanskrit [88., Vol. IV. p. 277, siké Vikrama-parthivasya ; and similar expressions.)
12. - V.1280. -- ante, Vol. VI. p. 197. Kadi copper-plate inscription of the Chaulukya Jayantasiilin : -
(Line 20)... Asyam tithan samvatsara-masa-paksha-râra-yuktägâm gata-sato vatsara-dvậdaśavarsha-Satoshiu esity-uttareshu Pausha-roase sukla-pakshe tritiyàyâm tithau Bhauma-vård
mjata uttaragata-surya-samkrama-parvaņi amkatô Spi saivat 1280 varshe Pausha-śudi 3 Bhaume silyreha sanjata [utta]rånayana-paz vani..
V. 180 current : Wednesday, 7 December, A.D. 1292
V. 1290 expired: Tuesday, 26 December, A.D. 1223; the third titli of the bright half unded 14 b. 2 m., and the Uttarayaņa-Samkranti took place 2 h. 58 m. after mean sunrise.
13. – V.1283. – ante, Vol. VI. p. 199. Kadi copper-plate inscription of the Chaulnkya Bhimadeva II. : -
(Line 16). . . Srimad - Vikramadisty-6]tpadita samvatsara-satêshu dvådaśasa tri-[a]sitiuttarůshu laukiska-Karttika-pûrņi]måyåm Guru-vård Str=îmkato Spi samvat 1283 varshe laukio Karttika-sudi 15 Gurav=a[dy=éha] srimad-Anabila pâţake Ssyâm samvatsara-masapaksha-pûrvvikiyam tithau ..
v. 1283 current: Friday, 17 October, A.D. 1225; the full-moon tithi ended 20 h. 50 m. after mean sunrise.
v. 1283 expired: Thursday, 5 November, A.D. 1226; the full-moon tithi ended 18 h. 30 m. after mean sunrise.
14.- V. 1288.- Archæol. Surv. of Western India, Vol. II. p. 170, and ante, Vol. XII. P. 293. Girnår stone inscription of Jayantasimba, the son of Vastupala :
(Line 1)... Svasti srl-Vikrama-samvat 1288 varshê Phaguna-áudi 10 Budhe ..
V. 1288 current: Thursday, 13 February, A.D. 1231 ; the 10th tithi of the bright half ended 19 h. 38 m. after mean sunrise.
V.1288 expired: Wednesday, 3 March, A.D. 1232; the 10th tithi of the bright half ended 20 h. 46 m. after mean sunrise.
15.- V. 1292. - Dr. Peterson's First Report (1882-83), App. p. 23. Date of a MS. of a Yogaśásta-vritti :
Samvat 1292 varshỏ Kartika-sudi 8 Ravau Dhanishtha-nakshatre. V. 1292 current: Tuesday, 31 October, A.D. 1234
V. 1292 expired: Sunday, 21 October, A.D. 1235; the 8th tithi of the bright half ended 3 h. 58 m., and the nakshatra was Dhanishthá up to 18 h. 24 m. after mean sunrise.
16. – V. 1337. – Archæol. Surv. of India, Vol. XXI. p. 52, and Plate xiv. G. Ajaygadh rock inscription of the reign of the Chandella Viravarmadova (?): - (Line 19).... Sågar-a nala-vêd-êndu-yakt[@] samvatsarê va[rê P].
Maghê mási si(si)te pakshe tray ôdaśyam Vidho[r]-ding | 14 NI
Samvat 1337 Magha-sodi 13 8ôme III V. 1337 current: Tuesday, 16 January, A.D. 1280; the 13th tithi of the bright half ended 7 h. 18 m. after mean sunrise.
V. 1887 expired: Monday, 3 February, A.D. 1281; the 13th tithi of the bright half ended 3 h. 7 m. after mean sunrise.
(Ságara generally denotes 4 ; but sapta sagardh is a well-known expression, and the figures 1337 are perfectly clear in the lithograph; and the Prakrit word sáyara is similarly used for
u Dhanishtha-nakshatra
• Bend uttardyana..