MARCH, 1889.]
perceived that from a waterless place water was suddenly rising, which agreed with (the water of) Sodara in colour, taste, and other qualities. -(127) Then the proud (king) was able to satisfy his devotion to Nandiradra, by bathing in that spring which had (thus) appeared. - (128, 129) When an empty gold vase, with a lid on its mouth, which he threw into Sodara for the purpose of a test, emerged two and half days later from the water which rose at Srinagari, the doubts of the king were removed. (130) Surely, it was Nandisa himself who had come down in order to enjoy the offerings (of the king). Otherwise, such an event, which had, never been seen (before), would not have taken place before (his) eyes. (131) One day, when the king went to Vijayêsvara, a woman, who was walking on the road, asked him for food. (132) After he had promised to give her whatever food she wished, she changed her appearance (so as to assume the form of a female ghoul), and expressed a desire for human flesh. (133) When he, who had ceased to hurt living beings, gave her permission to eat flesh from his own body, she spoke thus: (134) "You, O magnanimous king, are a Bodhisattva, whose vows are strong on account of virtue (sattva), as your compassion with living beings is so great." (135) The king, who, being a worshipper of Siva, did not know the language of the Bauddhas, said to her, "Who, sweet mistress, is the Bôdhisattva, for whom you take me ?" (136) She answered the king:-"Hear my message; I am sent by the Bauddhas, whom, out of anger, you have oppressed. (137) "We are the (six) Pleiades (Krittikáḥ), who live on the flank of the Lôkâlôka mountain, who are full of sin (tamas), and who have made the Bodhisattvas their only refuge, in order to be freed from sin. - (138) "You must know that Bodhisattvas are certain beings, who, since (the time of) the blessed lord of the world (Buddha), have got rid of lust (klesa) in (this) world. (139) "Eager to rescue the universe, they are not angry even with an offender, but benefit him patiently and will guide him to the knowledge (bodhi) of his own self.-(140 to 144) "When, lately, distarbed in your sleep by the noise of the instruments of a vihara, and instigated by wicked persons, you destroyed (that) vihara out of anger, I, (attracted by the power of) the meditations of the angry Bauddhas, had set out to kill you. (But) then the Bodhisattvas, having called me, gave me the following instructions: You are unable to hurt that virtuous prince; but at his sight, O happy woman, your sins will be destroyed. In our name ask him, who was led into sin by the wicked, to build a vihara, providing all requisites from his gold. If this were built, no further) slaughter at the destruction of viharas would take place; and he and his instigators would have made atonement.' (145) "Therefore, in this disguise, I have put your great virtue to the test. Now my sins are destroyed. Farewell! I take my departure." (146) After the king had promised to build a vihara, the goddess Krityâ, whose eyes were beaming with joy, disappeared. (147) Then, having built a vihara (called) Krityasrama, the prince caused (a statue of) the goddess Krityâ, whose sins were removed, to be erected on that same spot (where he had met her.) (148) Having built a temple of stone at Nandikshetra, the prince paid to Bhûtêśa worship in the shape of jewels together with (other) treasures.(149, 150) Practising austerities for a series of nights at the tirtha of Chiramōchana, sitting in the (posture called) brahmásara, his body motionless in meditation, the king accomplished at last his desire of reaching Nandisa by the pious work (of conducting the river) Kanakavahini. (151) One hundred of the ladies of his harem, who had risen to dance out of joy, he gave to Jyeshtharudra at the (very) moment of dancing and singing (152) Having enjoyed supernatural power, and having finally entered Chiramôchana, the king, together with his wife, attained union with Siva.
पर्याप्त PT. द्युत्थापिता P.
130 नेष्यन्ति P. C. विश्वोद्धर° P.
133 हिंसा ° PC. मांसं for दातुं P. 131 स्तामस्यः P.
1. महासत्त्वः P.
1235 गतक्रेशा PT. • अनुशिष्टा P.
100 सबै PT.
" कृत्याश्रमं PT. कृत्यां देवीमबन्धयत् P.
150 Kalhana attributes similar works to other kings. Thus Suvarna diverted or conducted (pravartayati) the Suvarnamanikulya to Karala (i. 97) and Mihirakula conducted (avatarayati) the Chandrakulya river (i. 318)
' P.
प्रविष्टवीर P.