p. 3, Table II., opposite Chitra, in the last column,
The bija, however, has to be rejected for 183 28 10, read 184 28 10.
for the centuries anterior to the time p. 120, Text line 1, for Hiranya read Hiraruya- .
of its introduction, and this is to be >> line 16, for bhuvanamta , read
effected by a modification of Table 6. bhuvanamta..
Here again (Table 6), in col. b, the p. 146 a, last line; for preceding, read following.
figures, all through, as they stand, p. 1576, lines 24, 25, read 10000 --- (1800 + 200
include the bija. In the case of the + 9939) = 10000 - 1939 =8061.
centuries marked 15 to J. 3, in which p. 160 a, line 29, for 66277-5056, read 66277-5002.
the bija is not to be applied, in col. b. And, as the result of this, in lines 31
correct the numbers from 185 to 785, to 41 read, Hence the increase in 1000
inclusive, by substituting 0 for the last years is 13255 5000; in 100 years,
figure; thus, for 185, read 180; for 1325.5500; and in 59-75 days, 2.1684.
484, read 480; and for 785, read 780 And b for 5000 years is 499.8; for 1000
Then, with Table 5 as it stands, and years, 5000; and for 100 years, 450-0.
with Table 6 thus corrected, the final Therefore, as above :
résults will be in accordance with the b.
text of the Súrya-Siddhanta without A. D. 1899............. 581.8
the bija. For the centuries marked 5000 years ............ 499.8
G. I and G. 2, the application of the 5979 days............ 168-4
bíja is proper and necessary; and the
figures 972 and 486 are correct, as they Kaliyuga 0 ... 2500
stand. Accordingly b. for A. D.. 1899 is p. 161, Table 7, opposite 2nd August (common 581-8; or, the fraction being larger
year), for b 720, read 730. Opposite than , in round numbers 582.
13th August read b 129 for 126, and » b, line 11, for 1204, read 120.4.
opposite 14th August read b 166 for . b, note 17; cancel this note.
169. p. 163, Table 5, and p. 164, Table 6. As we have p. 168, Table 7, opposite 12th October (common seen under the correction notified
year) for d 630, read 639. above for p. 160 a, line 29 b. for p. 172. Table 10, opposite the argument 950, for A. D. 1899 is in round numbers 582;
equation 76, read 80. whereas in Table 5 it is given as 587.
Table 11, opposite the argument 200, for Following the same process, all the
equation 410, read 11.10. figures in Table 5, col. b, should,
p. 219, note 16, line 5, for Ardra, read Ardra-; strictly speaking, be decreased by
and line 11, omit the word March. 5; when they would be in accordance
p. 239 b, line 46, for trayô, read trayo-. with the revolutions of the moon's
p. 210 b, last line, omit the comma at the end of apsis as given in the text of the
the line. Súrya-Siddhanta Three or four
p. 248 , line 7, for Which, read which. hundred years ago, however, the Hindu
p. 250 a, line 20, for ithau, read tithau. astronomers applied to the elements of the Súrya-Siddhanta a correction,
b, line 11, for punar vasu-, read punarvasu-. technically called bija, which from
p. 251 b, last line, read (No. 17 instead of No. 9). that time has been generally adopted
p. 252 a, line 6, omit the comma after tithi. in calculations. In Table 5, col. b,
p. 270, in the column for the Tithi-buddhi, the figures, all through, as they stand,
opposite 720, for 1 9, read 1 9:0; and are correct for the elements of the
opposite 740, for 1 6, read 1 6.0. Súrya-Siddhanta as modified by this p. 271, in the column for the Tithi Kêndra, bija. And, as the Table is for the
opposite 1040, for 1 45, read 1 48. nineteenth century A. D., when the p. 315 b, last line, for Varahi-, read Varahabija has to be applied, the inclusion of p. 336 b, line 7 from the bottom, for mâna - the bija in it is proper and correct.
vijaya-rajyê, read måna-vijaya-råjyê.