(FEBRUABY, 1889.
full-moon day of Mårgasirsha was a Monday, only in Vikrama 1187, expired; for that day was equivalent, - in V. 1180, current, to Wednesday, 15 Nov., A.D. 1122; » » 1181,
Tuesday, Deo, A.D. 1128 1182, ,, Sunday, 23 Nov., A.D. 1124; , , 1183,
> >
Thursday, 12 Nov., A.D. 1125; 1184,
Wednesday, 1 Dec., A.D. 1126; 1185,
Sunday, 20 Nov., A.D. 1127; 1186, » » Saturday, Dec., A.D. 1128; 1187,
Wednesday, 27 Nov., A.D. 1129; ..,1198, ... Monday, 17 Nov., A.D. 1130; , 1189,
Sunday, Dec., A.D. 1181; ,, 1190,
Thursday, 24 Nov., A.D. 1132 » » 1191,
, Tuesday, 14 Nov., A.D. 1133. And in all the years enumerated there was a samkranti on 25th November, which was a Mon. day only in A.D. 1129.
No. II. The date is given as follows: (L. 16.) ..... samvat 1181 Bhadrapada
t 181 Bhadrap de su di [4] Gurau.
In the photolithograph, the figure following upon su di looks as if, in the original grant, a 3 had been altered into 4, or a 4 into 3; and all that can be said with certainty, is that the grant was made on a Thursday, which was either the 3rd or 4th day of the bright half of the month Bhadrapada, of the year 1181; on the occasion, as we are told in line 21, of making the great gift of the pancha-lângala' or 'five ploughs.'
Referring the date, again, to the Vikrama era, the possible equivalents for the 3rd and 4th days of the bright half of Bhadrapada would be: for the northern year 1181, current,
Sunday, 26th August, A.D. 1123; and Monday, 27th August, S for the northern year 1181, expired, or the Boathers year current,
Thursday, 14th August, 2. and Friday, 15th August, 3 A.D."
A.D. 1124; and for the southern year 1181, expired-
Monday, 3rd August, A.D. 1125. and Tuesday, 4th August, Of these, Thursday, 14th August, A.D. 1124, which was the 3rd of the bright half of Bhadra- pada, would exactly suit us, if we could be quite sure that the figure following upon the term su di of the inscription were 3; but that figure may be 4, and it must be borne in mind that the
Bhadrapada-Sukla-tritiya is one of the manvaditithis, being the anniversary of the fourth Manu Tamasa, and that this would probably have been stated in the inscription (as it has actually been stated in No. III.), if the grant had been really made on the 3rd. At the same time, it must be observed that, under certain circumstances, the same particular Thursday, 14th August, A.D. 1124, though civilly the 3rd day of the bright half of Bhadrapada, might also have been coupled with the fourth tithi, if namely (in the absence of any distinct statement on the subject) we were allowed to assume that the donation spoken of in the grant had been made in connection with the Siddhivindyakavrata, prescribed for the Gandea-chaturthi, i.e. the fourth tithi of the bright half of Bhadrapada. That tithi, in the present case, began at Benares 43 m. after midday of the Thursday in question, and it ended 5 m. after midday of Friday, i.e. it covered, so to say, a portion of the madhyahnakdla (which lasts 72 m. before and 72 m. after noon)' of either day; and, such being the case, any ceremony in honour of Ganesa would necessarily have had to be performed on the Thursday, not on the Friday, and the Thursday would, for the purpose of the attending religious ceremonies, have been correctly coupled with the 4th (running) tithi.
Under any circumstances, I consider it certain that the date is Thursday, 14th August, A.D. 1124, and that the figures for the year, 1181, accordingly denote the current southern Vikrama year.
No. III. The passage containing the date runs thus:
(L. 15) .. pańchasi(81) ty-adhik-aikadasa(sa) - Ba(a)ta . samvatsaråshu Chaitre masi su(u)kla-pakshe paurņnamasyam tithau Bu(su)kra-dinė anke=pi samvat 1185 Chaitra su di 15 Bu(u)kre (ady=ha) srimad-Vârt
(L. 16.) naayar manvadau Gargây snátva.
The inscription, accordingly, is clearly datedin the year 1185, on the full-moon tithi or 15th lunar day of the bright half of the month Chaitra, on Friday.' On that day the king, when at Benares, made a certain grant, having bathed in the Ganges on a manvadi, i.e., apparently, on that particular manuddi-tithi which coincides
On this gift see, e.g., HêmAdri's Chaturvargachintamani, Danakhanda, p. 287.-The published grant has paraldigala-mahadand" at the consion of giving the valuable present of a plough to the highest (i.e. BrAhmana)," which is of course mistake. Another more serious error which the oditor has fallen into is that, according to him, the grant was made by the king Govindachandra "with the consent of the illustrious rejas, feudatory princes (admanta), and the great lady,
the queen, the illustrious Dalhanadtof (frimad rajaodmanta-mahamdorf.frl-Dalhana-dévfbhir); whereas it is quite clear that, in reality, it was made by the queen (whose name Mr. Fleet, I believe rightly, suggests to be Alhaņadevi) with the consent of the king (Srimad-rajasammatya).
Compare, e.g., Kalamddhava, p. no: madhydhnge trimuhartah sydt..