FEBRUABY, 1889.)
collection is discussed, and the manuscripts of which dhê=nkato=pi) saṁ 600 70 9 tithio 7, - "in the author has made use. The text of the Sayings six centuries, increased by eighty less by one, gives 218 new ones, which are not in Böthlingk. of the years that have gone by from the time The reviewer calls attention to a small collection of the Saka king; in the bright fortnight of of sayings, the manuscript of which is in Paris
(the month) Ăśvayuja; or, in figures, the year Vidura-niti-sdra; foll. 9, 1. 8. The collection is divided into 8 adhydya in 70 blokas (22, 13, 11, 6,
600 (and) 70 (and) 9, the tithi 7." 7, 23); many of them have not yet been published,
This last record might perhaps be taken as as far as could be ascertained by a hasty inspection.
referring only to the immediately following (9) Bibliographie analytique des ouvrages de words with which the charter ends, -"and Monsieur Marie-Félicité Brosset, Membre de (this charter), which has the Rája Adityavarman l'Academie Imp. des Sciences de S. Pétersbourg, as its Dútaka, has been written by me, the 1821-1879. S. Petersbourg, 1887. The study of illustrious Bhỏdalla, the son of the Baládhikrita the Georgian language may be said to have been the illustrious Tatta." The mention, however, founded by M. Brosset. His writings are 80
of the month Aśvayuja suffices to .shew that numerous and scattered over so many publications
the equinox mentioned in line 29 is the that it would be impossible to realise their bulk
autumnal equinox, which must occur during unless we had a list. The work is by his son,
the lunar month Asvayuja, and is to be taken L. M. Brosset, who has given every production of his father. The great scholar was adopted by
as represented by the Tule-Samkranti or Russia, and devoted himself to her.
entrance of the sun into Libra. And the result (10) Orientalische Bibliographie, Unter Mit
will shew that this record gives the day on which, wirkung der H.H. Prof. Dr. A. Bezzenberger, Prof. in celebration of the sankránti, the grant was Dr. H. L. Strack, Dr. Joh. Müller, &c., herausge- made; whether we are also to understand that geben von Prof. Dr. A. Müller. Bd. 1, Erstes Heft, the charter was actually written on the same Berlin, 1887. The reviewer gives the new work a day, or not. hearty greeting.
As in some previous instances, whether the W. R. MORFILL.
given Saka year.679 is literally indicated as
current, or as expired, is not quite certain." CALCULATIONS OF HINDU DATES.
But a satisfactory result is obtained only by No. 22.
taking it as an expired year. In the Antroli-Chharoli oopper-plate Thus, in Saka-Samvat 679 current, by Prof. grant of a Rashtrakata king Kakkal of K. L. Chhatre's Tables, the given tithi, Gujarat, from the Surat District, pablished, Asvayaja sukla 7, ended on Sunday, 5th with a Plate, by Dr. Bhagwanlal Indraji, in September, A.D. 756, at about 49 gharís, 37 the Jour. Bo, Br. R. As. Soc. Vol. XVI. p. 105 palas, after mean sunrise (for Bombay);" ff., it is recorded that he made a grant of the eighteen days before the Tuld-Sanakránti, which village of Sthåvarapallikå - (line 29) vishuva- did not occur till Thursday, 23rd September, samkrantau, -- "at the sankranti of the equi- at about 32 gh. 28 p. nox." And at the end we have the date (from Buty in Saka-Samvat 880 current (879 the pablished lithograph; line 36 £.) - Saka- expired), the Tula-Sankranti ocourred on nripa-kal-atîta-samvatsara-sata-shatkê ék-ôn- Friday, 23rd September, A.D. 757, at about ksity-adhikê Åśvayuja-áuddh-åkate=pi(read sud- 48 gh., or 1.12 A.m. in the night between the
• Bibliothèque Nationale, D. 240.
1 The exact poeition of this Kakka in the Rashtrakata genealogy has not yet been determined and onequently he cannot be distinguished by dynaatio number from other kings of the same name.
• Dr. Bhagwanlal Indraji seems to have been at first rather in doubt as to whether the number of the riven tithi was 7 or 9; and, in fact, in col. 4 of his Table (ante, Vol. VI. p. 44) the numerical symbol that is used here has been given as representing 9. But, se pointed out by him in editing the inscription, a distinotly different symbol for 9 is used in the number of the year. And, coupled with this, the coincidence of the ending of the neventh tithi on the proper day for the ceremonies of the soikranti, shews that he was certainly right in inally deciding to interpret the symbol as 7 here.
See my remarks, ante, Vol. XVII. p. 119 f., on the use of atita in the compound which gives the number of the century.
With the modified Table for the abdapa, do, given ante, Vol. XVII. p. 268 f., which will be followed for the future.
The times are for Bombay all through. The exact place for whioh they should be reduoed is not certain : As the camp at which the king was, when he made the grunt, is not given in the record. But Sthavarapalliks seems to be evidently the modern Ohhåroli itself, as suggested by Dr. Bhagwanlal Indraji. And, for any place in Gujarat, the times would differ only by a few palas from the times for Bombay; without any differenoe in the resulting days.