(FEBRUARY, 1889.
only a transcription of the Turkish word jy extracts from it relating to the taking of Bukhara which means his word' or his decree,' and was
by the troops of Boghra Khân. Khilal employs the customary word at the commencement of
the account of a contemporary merchant, Aba'-1. documents issued by the Mongolian Khans.
Hussain ibn Ilyas. The narrative of the (3.) Coins belonging to S.I. Chakhotin (conti
merchant is extremely curious, because it shews
us the great influence which the Musalman holy mued.)-The only one of these coins, in the writer's
men, now called ishin, had at that time on the opinion, hitherto unclassified, is a silver coin of
bulk of the population. the Turkish Sultan Murad IV. (1032-1049), the
(6.) Pånini I. 4. 79.-In his remarks on this son of Ahmad, struck at Damascus, and remark
sútra Böthlingk (Panini's Grammatik) refers to able for the fact that on it we meet for the first time with the Musulman ejaculation May his
Vajrachchhodika (Anecdota Oxoniensia, I. 35, 10, shadow be lengthened!' Also a copper, and as it
42, 7), and on page 477 says: Dr. H. Wenzel appears, unclassified Baljaq coin of Sultan Kai- macht mich darauf aufmerksam, dass zum khusrav I., son of Khilij-Arslan (588-607), with an den angegebenen Stellen im Tibetischen durch the representation of horseman on one side." Ursache weidergegeben wird. Both expressions (4.) Maimatal, by D. Kobeko.--Among the
quoted in Mahrivejutpatte, 223, 15, and in the documents of the diplomatic relations between
Tibetan text, are translated by the word 'cause.' Moscow and the Crimean Horde are the instruc
The PAli upanisd, with which may be compared tions given by the Grand Duke Ivan III. to
far (Sukhvdtívyúha, 31, 9) has the same meanthe Bayar Semen Borisovich, sent by him in
ing, viz., cause. the year 1486 to the Khan of the Crimea,
(7) Chandragomin, by I. Minayev. Among Mengli-girei. The Khân in his answer uses the
the authors cited in the Subhdshitdvall (edited by word maitamal, which appears to mean public
P. Peterson, Bombay, 1886), is found Chandrago." chest or treasury, but is employed in no other pin. The editor of this remarkable anthology documents relating to Russian dealings with the (on p. 36 of the preface) makes the following East. The Khan has taken for his treasury the
suggestion :-"May be the Chandragomin to goods of a Rrussian who died in the Crimea. This
whom the Chandra Grammar is ascribed." The custom prevailed with the Turks till the commer.
first part of the suggestion seems to me utterly
improbable. cial treaty with Russia in 1783.*
The part of the verses ascribed to
Chandragópin are taken from Sishyatekha, the (5.) Story of Khilal-as-Sabi concerning the
work of Chandragðmin. taking of Bukhard by Bogra Khan, by Baron Rosen-All investigators of the history of
The writer then cites the verses under No. 3384, Central Asia regret the meagreness of informa
and also says that those under No. 3448 are taken
from the Sishyatêkha. He does not quote them tion about the Turki Dynasty which reigned over M&waru'n-Nahr in the course of the fifth and sixth
in full, because he hopes in a short time to publish centuries of the hijra and took the place of the
the entire work of Chandragůmin. Chandra
gồmin, as is well known, was one of the celebrated Samanis. The writer wishes to point out a useful source of information in the chronicle of
Buddhist teachers. Taranatha often makes men.. Khilal-as-Sabi, which serves as the continuation
tion of him. of another chronicle by Sabit ibn Sinan, uncle of
(8). On the name Balavari,' by Baron Rosen.Khilal. The history of Khill includes the years
In the review of the book by Zotenberg, Notice sur of the hijra 363-447 (973-1055). The opinions of
Le livre de Barlaam et Joasaph the writer expressed Musalmån authors on the value of the works of
the supposition that in the name of the book) Khill and his uncle are given by Chwolson in
Balavari, translated by Saint Euthymius from Die Ssabier und der Ssabismus, St. Pet. 1856.
Georgian into Greek, was concealed the same InLately Baron Kremer has succeeded in finding the dian name or word which in the form b-l-y-h-r work of Khilal in the Ducal Library at Gotha. Besides this newly-discovered production of the Musalman version of the romance. The Khilal, we have also a fragment of his chronicle, name Balevari, and all the information about the including the history of three years, i.e. 390-392 translation of the book of that name, the writer years of the hijra (= 1000-1002). It is preserved took from Professor Tsagarelli's work on the in the British Museum (Cod. Add. 19, 360). This Documents of Georgian Literature, Part I. St. manuscript the writer saw in 1879, and made Petersburg, 1886, pp. 53-54, who in his turn copied
stands in the place of the name Varlaam in بلوفرا
See Lane-Poole, Catal. III, No. 102. Here Baron Rosen appends a note that it is the word
baütmalorbaitu'l-mal, a term always used awong Musal. mins for treasury.
It is like the French droit d'aubaine.