[FEBRUABY, 1889.
is a lofty cone-shaped hillock. Between seven his family and about 1500 persons, and another and eight years ago a great hoard of silver coins extensive emigration in 1802-1815. It is in this of the Timarts was found here and three golden way that the Asiatic Museum of the Academy of earrings. Here the writer conducted excavations Arts acquired its rich collection of manuscripts. with the following results:-On the northern side Many valuable articles are scattered about in the there was a clay wall and some cylinder-shaped different governments. Thus Stroyev foard in the wells, and unmistakable signs of a dwelling. year 1829 at Vologda, a splendid copy of the NomoAmong other things were found a little earthen canon of the Sixth Ecumenical Council, perhaps pitcher, some trinkets, a piece of glass, two iron the autograph of the translator himself, Euthy. knives, one of which was curved like a sickle, a mius, of Athos, a Georgian, who died in 1028. So stand made of stone with three legs, a little brass also the palitaa of Tula and the cope of Kiev. lamp (chirdgh), a brass coin of the so-called Brosset published many of the inscriptions in Bukhar-Khudats, a large earthen pot, within 1839; see Inscriptions tumulaires Georgiennes de which were three stones for grinding by hand, Moscou et St. Petersbourg, expliquées par M. many pieces of earthen vessels, ashes, stones, &c. Brosset. Some of the inscriptions are translated
The Academician Müllendorf, in his Sketches of in the paper, and it is hoped that some more will the Valley of Fergana does not regard the kurgdns of Central Asia as artificial, but holds that the (1.) Inscription on a Priest's Cope at Kier! people merely made use of the natural ones which “O Mother of God, Virgin Mary, protectress they found. With this opinion the writer does not not only of Moscow, the country of the North, but agree. He thinks the forts among the Turkmans also protectress of the whole world, defender of the work of an earlier settled population. There is all those who worship thy Son as God, be not a very interesting kurgds in the Khanate of ashamed of tw at the day of judgment, thy serBukhari, between the Kishlak Shirin-Khatun and vants, the Tsar Archil and Tsaritsa Ketevan and the town of ZiA'u'ddîn (the old Debusia). The our children." Archil was born in 1647 and writer had not heard of keurgdns being excavated married in 1667 the sister of Heraclius I. He by natives, but still they are constantly being de. came to Russia in 1690 and died at Moscow in stroyed. The natives use some of the earth in 1712. He was a considerable author in Georgian. them me manure. Pieces of land in which lour. He prepared the Georgian Bible for the press gáns are found are therefore valued more than which was published after his death at Moscow others, and, in consequence, many of them have in 1743. lost their original forms and threaten to disappear, (2) Inscription on an icon. Thou defender It is from earth being taken in this way that of all sinners, Most Holy Mother of God, of Kasan, objects are found. Colonel Voitzekhovich gave be merciful and spare from all sickness and the writer some which had been found by a Sart affliction him who devotedly adorne thee, Alexan. in his field.
der, the son of the Tsar." The article concludes with a list of lurgans in There were several sons of Georgian Tsars bear Turkistán, which the writer recommends to the Jing the name Alexander, and living in Russis in investigation of antiquaries.
the XVIII, and XIX. centuries, and as there is no (9) Georgian Inscriptions found in Russia, date it is difficult to say who this 'adorner' of by 4. Tsagarelli. Many Georgian Inscriptions the Kazan icon was. and other antiquities have been found in the (3.) Georgian inscription on two guns, one interior of Russia. The relations between Russia large, the other small, preserved in the Museum of and Georgia date from the last quarter of the the Admiralty at St. Petersburg. They are in sixteenth century. Embassies coming from Geor. civil characters without any abbreviations, and gia to Moscow brought presents for the Tsars and there is a date on the largest gun "Eristavi Patriarchs, such as embroidery, robes for priests, Rostom, 1756." How these guns got into their icons, church furniture, books with miniatures, &c. present place is unknown. Perhaps they were In the same way Russian embassies going to Geor. brought here from Kutais after Imeretia had gia received similar presents or bought things been united with Russia in the year 1810; perin the country. In the XVIIth and XVIIIth bape they came to Kutais as trophies of victory centuries came many emigrante, tears and their after the defeat inflicted by Solomon Tsar of wives, with large suites, and priests. Two emigra- Imeretia on his powerful vassal Rostom Eristavi, tions are especially noteworthy. In 1725 ar who had declared war against him in 1767-1768. rived the Georgian Tsar Vakhtang VI. with all The Tear Solomon, having defeated Rostom,
[The inscription is given both in the ecclesiastical and civil alphabet.)