Weber, Prof. A.; notice of his Catalogue of
Sanskpit and Prakrit MSS. in the Berlin Library, 96; - translation of his paper on
the Sacred Literature of the Jains ......181, 369 wehrgeld in the Vedas ...........
..... .... 30 wife, discarded, in folktales .....................146 fr. wine in Ancient India wine in Ancient India ........
.............................. ..
30 wing, as an emblem on & seal ...................... 289 women, tricks and deceits of, Skr. version ... 48 worship, combined; of Brahman, Vishnu, and
Siva, 271; -observance of the rituals of Buddha, Jina, Siva, and Vishnu............... 271
viráma, the ; instance of a pronunciative value
attaching to one of the Kanareae methods
of representing it .............. ................ 35 Virasimha (Ganga of Kalinga)..................... 170 virginity, tests of, among the Malays.........61, 62 Virôchana, son of Kolkhala, an ancestor of
the Gangas of Kalinga ........................ 170 Visadhèśvaradeva, a god ...........
................... 116 visatiathi(?)-prastha, a fiscal term requiring
explanation......................................... 19 n. Vishaya pathaka, an ancient division of Gu
jaråt ................................................... 178 Vishnu, the god, "the preserver" of the Hindu
triad ; mention of him as "the preserver," under the name of Vasudeva, 13, 133, 134, 136, 137, 139, 140, 141, 143; - worship of him at the time of making grants, 13, 133, 136, 137, 139, 140, 142; - a special instance of this ................................................. 82, 84 Vishnuvamsa,the lineage of Vishnu;' it
included the Gangas of Kalinga ...... 170 and n. Vishņuvardhana, a king of Western Malwa; Bee Mandagor
............... 220 Vishņuvardhana-Vijayaditya, a Maharaja
(probably East. Chalukya), who requires to
be identified.....................................38 and n. Vistâápa, the Baktrian kingdom of, its exist.
ence doubted ....................................... 27 vstardga, destitute of passion,' applied to
"the divine Arhat " ........................36 and n. Vitastâ, the river Jhelum in the Palijab ...72,
97, 100, 101 Vitastatra, ancient name of the modern Vethyotr ................
................ 68 Vizagapatam District, inscriptions from the,
edited................................... 143, 161, 165, 172 vrio, an abbreviation of drittih or vrittam 113 and n. vrishabha-lañchhana, 'the crest of a bull;' one of the insignia of the Gangas of Kalinga
164, 170, 175 Vrishadhvaja, an ancestor of the Gangas of
Kalinga Vrishạis, the Yadavas, mentioned in the
Rajatarangini................................... 67 Vritra and Namuchi, remarks on, as describ
ed in the Mahabharata............................ 247 vyatspåta, a term requiring explanation as used in connection with eclipses... 127, 128,
272, 274
y changed into o in Pali; e. g. douti=dyrkti 4,7 Yagnob language, grammar of the ............ 157 yamalikdmbali, a fiscal term requiring expla.
nation ................................................ 137 yamushadeva, a woven cloth, stamped with
an image of the sun, taken away by Mihira
kula from Ceylon...........................102 and n. yarlik = Tâtår epistles, 152;- of Tamir Qut.
lugh, 153, 154 ; -of Tuqtamish......... 153, 154 Yasahkarņa (Kalachuri of Chêdi)............210, 219 Yasodharman ; see Mandasor ..............219, 220 Yasodhavala, a minister of Kumarapala...342, 343 Yasovarman (Chandella) ...................... 236, 237 Yasovati, a queen of Kasmir, wife of Dâmô.
dara I. ................................................ 67 Yasovigraha (Gáhadavála) ........... 12, 20, 21, 132 Yayati; a reference to his son Turvasu, that
requires explanation ..................... 170 and n. year; Schram's Tables for the Hindu luni.
solar year, 296, 297; -- and for the Hindu solar year, 299; - the length of the solar year according to the Súrya-Siddhanta is 365.2587565 days, 193; - and according to the Arya-Siddhanta, 365-25868055 days, 198; - according to the Súrya-Siddhanta the length of Jupiter's year, without Bija,is 361.02672103 days, 193; -and the length of the year with Bija is 361.0346511
daye .............................................. 202 y8°, an abbreviation, perhaps of yogin 114 and n. yoga, an astrological element; mention of the
Siddhi (for Siddha) yoga ......................... 251 Yuddhasura, a biruda of Nandardja ...... 231, 235 Yudhishthira; his coronation is placed by
Kalhana in B. O. 2448 .................. .......... 66 Yudhisthira I., also called Andha-Yudhish
thira, a king of Kaśmir .................... 99, 104 yugddi, a special name of certain tithis, e. g.
of Vaibakha bukla 3, which is regarded as the commencement of the Kritayaga, 345, 346 n., 347; - the rules for the use of yugddi tithis and the performance of érdddha-ceremonies on them ......... 346 and n.
***....... 170
Wanesa, a village in Gujarat; mentioned
under the ancient name of Balisa ............. 266 Wanthali, a village or town in Kathiwad,
mentioned under the ancient name of
Vamanasthall ......................... 111, 115, 116 n. Wazir Khan of K IAMAlêr ...................... 329