*.. 172
Trikalinga, the three Kalingas;' mention ulóka, Skr., origin of .............
of this country in the Eastern Ganga Umaratha, an ancient village in the Bhringari
granta......... ................164, 165, 171, 175 Sixty-four district ............ .................... 345 Trikalingddhipati, a title of Anantavarma. umbrellas, single and double, as emblems on
Chôdagangadeva, 165, 175; -and of seals of grants........................................ 165
Narasimhadeva ............ ................ 212 'Umr Khân of KotlA-MAlêr, his coins, 328; Trikandamandana, an author; he must be - description of them ............
anterior to the latter half of the thirteenth Uñjhå, ancient form of the name of Unjha, a
century A. D. ......................................... 187 village in Gujarat ............. ................ 178 Trillingi, see Tittilingi ................ ............... 176 Untadya, ancient name of Utwa ................... 178 Trilôchanaghatta, a bathing-place on the upango, a technical abbreviation requiring
Ganges, apparently at Benares ............... 13 explanation.....................................84 and n. Trilôchanapâla, a king, remaining to be iden. uposatha among the Buddhists, remarks on tified, 33, 34; — his grant of Vikrama
the days of.....
................. 77, 78 Samvat 1084, edited
......... 83) arddhv-ddhah-siddhi, that which accrnes Trilôchanapala of Lâţadêsa (Chaulukya); see above and below,' a fiscal term (see also Surat ..................
adha urdhva) ..... ....................... 19, 139 trinity of the Aryans, Mitra, Varuna, and Ushkar, a place in Kasmir, mentioned under
Aryaman, 29; - the Babylonian ............ 246 the ancient name of Hushkapura......... 69, 72 n. Turkish MSS. in the British Museum ...282, 283 'usmdnl, the double paisd of Țipa ............... 314 Turushka race; according to the Rajataran- Utkala, a king of, mentioned as assisted by
gins, Hushka, Jushka, and Kanishka be- Rajarkja, 171; - Anantavarma-Choda.
longed to it ................................. 69, 72 ganga had the sovereignty over the whole of turushkadayda, a fiscal term requiring expla- Utkala ................... nation ...............
. 19 n. Utpaláksha, a king of Kasmir...................98. 102 Turvaltı, son of Yayati; a reference to Uttarakhal, an ancient name of Ayodhyâ;
him that requives explanation .......... 170 and n. mentioned as a tirtha ..................13, 18, 132 tya, a Taddhita affix of locality, in Khanddka- utsa, & termination of names of towns in ketya, 83; -and in mathétya ...........
Hiranyotsa, 98, 102; - and Lavanotas... 98, 103 Utwa, a village in Gujarat, mentioned under
the ancient name of Untadya ................. 178 €", a possible reading for duo ........... 113 and n. Udaldivara, a god at Udaypur ............ 342 and n. Udayaditya of Dhara, father-in-law of Vijayasimha................................................ 215
..... 215 vs an instance of the doubling of th before Udayana, father of Indrabala (of a branch of this letter
...........211 and n. the Lunar Race).................................. 180
Vadhiar district, in Gujarat, mentioned under . Udaypur, a town in the Gwalior State; men
the ancient name of Vardhi pathaka......... 177 tioned by the name of Udayapura in the
vadhikukuta, = vadhrikukkuta, .................... 76 twelfth century A. D., 342, 348, 344, 345; vadhrikukkuta, in Pålivadhikuluga, a
- it then foriged part of the Aṇhilwad capon ............................. .............. 76 kingdom, 343; - and was in the ancient Vadyavá, an ancient village in the Central BhAillasvâmi mandala, 345; - inscriptions Provinces....................... ................ 212 edited, of KamArapêla, of Vikrama-Samvat vaha, a water-channel'.................... 212 and n. 1220 (P), 341; -of V.-S. 1222, . . 343; - vahani, a word requiring explanation .......... 111
and of Ajayapala, of V.-S. 1229 ............... 344 VahidAunthi, an ancient village, near Udayaudharita, & word of which the meaning is not pura ... ....................................... 345
apparent ............................................... 213 Vahicbara, ancient name of Béchar ............ 177 Ugrdéa, an ancient temple in Kasmir......99, 104 vaidarvéyaka, in PAli vedavdyaka, apparently Uighur language, specimens of...............152, 153 1. a particular kind of fish resembling a Ujjain mentioned under the ancient name of snake without a hood, e.g. an cel .........75, 80
Avanti............... ......................112, 115 | Vaidumva or Vaidumva family ...163 n., 164, 175 Ujjhatadimba, a place where the Mlêchch has Vaidyanatha, a form of the god Siva at Udaya
were defeated by Jalauka I. .................. 68, 70 pura ....................... .......................... 345 uklapindaka, a Pali word, perhaps meaning Vaijalladeva, Mahamandalesvara (Chahu. a fox'
............ 75 mâna), a feudatory of Ajayapala............84, 85 uli, a class of Tamil poems ...... ........... 258 vaira, a Vedic word meaning blood-money' 30
... 114