... 110
Rajyapala (GAhadavála); mentioned with the Sabaras vámin, the most ancient commenta
title of Mahardjaputra, 21; his grant of tor on the Mimámek; he cannot be placed
Vikrama-Samvat 1199, noticed ............... 20 later than A. D. 400 or 500 .................. Råmi, ancestor of the Maharajas of Patiala ... 323 Sachinara, a king of Kasmír...... ............. 68 Rama-Gila-Govinda, an imitation of the sacrifice, human; by devotees of Durga in
Gita Govinda ...................................... 28 the seventh century A. D., 160 ; - men. Råmaitha, an ancient village in the Sigurodha tioned in the Rajatarangin ............... 98, 104 pattalt ..............
18 sacrifice in the Malay peninsula .............31, 32 Ramani, a Nagi, 101; - the forest of Sahasachiņa, an ancient village in the Kach
Ramani, in or near Kasmir ...................... 101 chha mandala ................... Ramanipur, an ancient town
...... 239
Sahasrarjuna, an ancestor of the Kalachuris Ramanuja; notes on his philosophical of Chedi .............................. ............ 219 system ...............
...... 189
Sahib Singh of Patiala, his coins, 324; -deRanirnava (Ganga of Kalinga) .................. 171 scription of them Randavai, an ancient town or village on the Saigotta-Ganga, or Saigotta-Ganga-Perm
Ganges .................... .................. 139, 141, 142 nadi, also named Saigotta-Permånadi, and raporța, an adaptation, in Kanarese, of the Sivamara, a Ganga Mahamandalákvara 310, Englist 'report'................................. 357 r.
312, 313 Rashtrakatas of Central India and neigh- Saiva inscriptions ........................143, 161, 179
bourring parts .......... ............... 233, 234 Saka era (see also eras, and fortnights); its Rashidu'ddin, notice of Berezin's translation epoch, according to the Arya-Siddhanta, of................................................... ...
in days of the Julian period, and with refeRashtravarman, of the Kliśyapa götra, an rence to Ujjain, 198; - Prof. Kielhorn's
ancestor of Ravidatta ..................... 365, 368 method for finding the beginning of any rabi, ' a sign of the zodiac': names of rdfis as year of this era, in accordance with the used in recorded dates :
same Siddhanta, the years being taken for Kumbha (Aquarius) ................. 163, 169, 174 this purpose as solar years, each beginning
Vrishabha (Taurus) ............................... 285 with the Mesha-Sankranti, 198; - Dr. Ratanapkla, Mahdmdtya, a minister of Bhf. Schram's Tables for the conversion of dates madêva II. ........................................
in this era, 296, 297; - the earliest reliable ratha as a termination of a village-name, instance of the use of this era in Gujarat, in Umarathi
.................. 345 in a date that can be tested ....................... 56 rdu", an abbreviation of'rduta ............113 and n. Saka, an adjective meaning of or belonging Rduta, a, of the Kshatriya caste...... 135, 137, 139 to the Sakas;' instances of its use... 30, 91, Råvana, a king of Kasmir .......................97, 100
163, 164, 169, 174 Ravidatta (of Punnad), 363, 364, 365, 368; - Sa kala, the capital of Mihirakula ; it is the
he was apparently a feudatory of a person modern SångalawalâţibbA ..................226, 227 named Cheramma, 365; - his spurious Såkali, an ancient village in the Surfshtraḥ
Komaralingam grant, edited ................... 362 mandala.......................................... 111, 115 Râypur District, an inscription from the, Sakambhari, the ancient name of Sambhar or
edited .............................................. 179) Sâmbhar; a king of Sakam bhart was con. regnal years, instances of the use of...9, 80, quered by Kumarapaladdva 84, 112, 115, 186, 343
107, 108 sdkha, lit. 'a branch,' a Vedic school, followRengujed, an ancient village in the territory ing any particular recension of one of the
of the Gangas of Kalinga ....................... 165 Védas; names of adkhds mentioned in rio, a technical abbreviation requiring expla. records - . nation ..........................................8+ and n.
Chhandôga ... Rig Veda, the ; reference to M. Bergaigne's
Samkhyayana ................. researches into its history, 89; - notice of
Våjasanêyi-Madhyamdina .............. 270 Dr. Lucian Scherman's investigation into
Yajurvêda ................................... 21 the philosophic hymns of the Rig and Sakhola, an ancient agrahdra in Kasmir...98, 104
Atharva Vedas ......................................... 382 bakti as a termination of proper names, in Religion, Chaldæo-Assyrian, M. Pressense Adityasakti, Bhâņusakti, and Nikumbhal. on ...............................
..... 264 lasakti ............ ....................266, 269 rita, a Védio word ; remarks on ite meaning 247 Salakhanapura, ancient name of Sankhalpur 177 rock inscription, a ...................... ............... 287 Saleți, an ancient village in the Jaruttha undra, large, great, lofty' .................... 36 pattald .............