pandita", apparently an unnecessary way of patibhoga, Pali, consumption (of food)' ...... 75
writing pandita .............. ........... 111, 114 pattabandha, 'the binding on of the fillet of Panduvarnsa, the lineage of Pandu' ......... 275 sovereignty ............... .............312, 313 Pañjáb, a dated Græco-Buddhist sculpture Pattal, an ancient village in the Punnadu
from the, 257; - the coins and history of vishaya ............................................... 369 the modern Native Chiefs of the Pañjab pattald, a territorial term, 13, 18, 21, 133, 135,
322 to 341 136, 138, 139, 141, 142; used apparently pannasasa, = parnasaéa ............................ 75 in the usual sense of a territorial division, Paramabhattaraka, a title of paramount sove. but perhaps in the sense of a patent' 113 n., reignty; instances in which it is applied to
115 and n. ** the divine Arhat," and to a Baiva priest... 36 Pekin, Russian Mission to, in 1715 ........... 157 paramabrahmanya, 'most kind to Brahmans' 235 | perfume of the ancient Egyptians, the Paramédvara, a title of paramount sove
****........... 84 reignty : applied to the divine Arhat" ... 36 PermAdirdjn, a person mentioned in one of parani, a class of Tamil poems................ 258 the grants of Anantavarma-Chôdaganga 175 Parikshit, son of Dharma (®), an ancestor of
and n. the Gangas of Kalinga ........ ............... 170 Persian MSS. in the Berlin Library ...... 289, 284 parnasaba, in PAli pannasasa, a particular Pårur, ancient name of the modern Beldr 271, 275 species of hare ......
............... 75, 80 Peshwar District; a dated Græco-Buddhist paróksham, 'in the absence of, behind the ! sculpture
............. 257 back of '...........
...........272, 273, 275 Phffichadi, ancient name of Phéchari, a village parrot in folktales helping heroine............. 148 in Gujarat ......
............ 177 Parsis, Compendium of the Social Code of Phalkan Chiefs of the PafijAb, 321; - their
the .................................................... 126 history ............................ ....................... 323 ff. PÅrsva-Jinêsvara, a deified Jain teacher ...... 37 pigeons in folklore ..................................46. 47 Parthian empire; it originated about B. C. pinchha, or piñchha, 'a bunch of feathers 250, . . 126; - the Parthians established
carried about by a Jain ascetio'............ 313 n. themselves in the Kabul valley about B.C. Pipaloandurga (P), an ancient fort or village 161, and their dynasty came to an end in in the Central Provinces ...................... 218
Sindh about the middle of the first century 126 Pipparika, an ancient village ..................... 235 Purthivdvali, & work by HélArkja, used by Piyadasi, a name or title of Asoka......3, 9, 80, Padmamihira, and through him by Kalha
107, 306, 307 na, for the early history of Kasmir ......... 67 Podigei, or Podiyam, the mountain Potalaka, parturition, customs in Madras concerning ... 281 the Bettigd of Ptolemy .......................... 241 parvar, an astrological term, used with Poikayar, an ancient Tamil poet, anthor gi ! eclipses, 56, 90, 91; - and with sankrantis the Kalavali-Narpatur. ..................... 259
90, 109 pólisa, an' adaptation, in Kanarese, of the parydya-allotment, a term requiring explana- English police ................. .. 356 n. tion
......... 37
Pötalaka, a mountain in Southern India, also pasa, a particular land measure,' a chain '... 115 called Podigei and Podiyam, and ChandaPaschima-Chchhapana pattald, an ancient náchala
............ 241 territorial division in Antarvêdi ................ 135 Prabhdsakshatratérthayatrdwukrama, the; ex. passion-plays in Persia ................................. 247 amination of the date & a MS. of it, of the pasngeya pola, 'joint-fields' ....................... 37 fifteenth century A. D............................ 251 Pasupata ascetics ; & reference to one, by the prabhujyamdna, a particular use of the word
word pdñchdrthika ........................ 210 and n. (see also bhujamdna)........................... 346 n. pataka (see also vátaka), ' an outlying portion Pragalbhá, an ancestor of the Gangas of
of a village, a kind of hamlet, 135, 138, Kalinga .......................................167 n., 170 142; - instances of the use of the word prågodo, an abbreviation of prdgodt ...114 and n. as a termination of names of villages, in Prágvát kindred, mention of the, 115; - Anahilapätaka, 84 ; - Brahmanapataka, another mention of a Pragvåt ............... 116
84; — and Döąhiy&pataka ..................... 177 Prágvåta; it is either another name for Påtan, a shorter name of Anhilwadapatan 81 Méwåd, or the name of the country of
and n.. which Mê waq formed a part ................... 215 pati= prati, substituted for pari, in Prikrit Prikrit; a probable reference to Maharashtri
dialects ................................................ 6 | Pråkfit in an Old-Kanarese inscription Patiala, history of the Maharajás of......... 323 ff.
313 and n.